Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
The richness of the NAAEE conference programme has to be seen to be appreciated. Here’s the programme for Thursday October 15th to give you a taster. Please note that although all these are URL links, they are not live and provide no further information beyond the title. Build Capacity For Programming In Your Community with…
There’s a Climate Change Education Network about to begin operating in the south-west of England. This will establish a transdisciplinary network involving researchers across university disciplines working with teachers to orient and provide active support for research on Climate Change Education. So, if you’re a teacher in the south-west who’s concerned about climate change, and…
A publication with the title Urban Environmental Education Review sounds as if it’s an academic journal, but it’s actually a book, edited by Marianne Krasny and Alex Russ at Cornell’s renowned Department of Natural Resources, and published by Cornell University Press. That said, it has the feel of a journal in that it’s a series…
Beth Collier, Director of Wild in the City Wild in the City supports the wellbeing of urban residents through relationships with nature in London and beyond. We offer programmes in woodland living skills, natural history, walks and ecotherapy; using the skills of our ancestors to develop a deeper relationship with the natural world and a…
Today’s blog is a short article that Alan Reid, Editor of Environmental Education Research, posted a while back on the School Education Gateway. In this, he argues that we should refocus education on our responsibility for the present and future, and explains why this is critical to ESD. A fundamental task of “everyday ESD” is learning…
The Wildlife Trusts have serious concerns about the Government’s proposed changes to the planning system, and have identified some key principles which, when adopted, will ensure wildlife recovery and easy access to nature for people are at the heart of reforms. They say “Help us put nature back into planning and back our principles by…
Nicola Simpson, Urban Wildlife Manager at Gloucester Wildlife Trust Gloucestershire is often considered to be a rural county, full of countryside and nature. So many people might be confused to find out that Gloucestershire Wildlife Trust (GWT) has an urban programme of work. The county has two major settlements and only one city, Gloucester, which…
Beautifully written and illustrated with clear photographic instructions throughout, Naomi Walmsley and Dan Westall have brought together all of the key elements of forest school into an accessible and easy read. The book encompasses all that is needed to lead successful sessions across the primary age range and beyond, with its abundance of natural crafts,…
Dr Beth Christie is a Lecturer in Education in the Outdoor and Environmental Education Section of the Moray House School of Education at the University of Edinburgh. She is Programme Director for the MSc Learning for Sustainability, and a member of the Childhood and Youth Studies research group. Beth has a particular interest in climate…
Click here for an update on the Youth Climate Summit that’s being held from November 9 to 13. Co-ordinated by the charity Global Action Plan and a team of dedicated teachers, the Youth Climate Summit will be a week-long virtual festival of themed discussions and activities. GAP is inviting schools, teachers and organisations all over…