Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

March 1st 2021

Inquiry into Green Jobs – As we reported last week, NAEE is presenting evidence to the Environmental Audit Committee inquiry into Green Jobs. Leicester City Council’s Lee Jowett, who’s an NAEE Fellow, will present oral evidence on Wednesday March 3rd in a session that starts at 1415. The event is live streamed on parliament TV…

Top 10 Green Blogs

Vuello offeres a selection of Green Blogs. The top 5 for 2020 are: 1. Moral Fibres Wendy Graham’s Moral Fibres stays at the top when it comes to all things green, sharing ‘sustainable living that’s hip, not hippie’. Since 2013, Wendy has been helping those wanting to go green across all areas of their lives, not…

February 22nd 2021

Education and Green Jobs – The Environmental Audit Committee is holding an inquiry into Green Jobs focusing on how green jobs can help tackle the expected rise in unemployment due to COVID-19 in a sustainable way. It will also look at the jobs, skills and training needed to achieve the UK’s longer-term climate and environmental…

Guidance for school governing boards

NAEE’s latest publication is Developing Sustainability: helping school governors influence whole school approaches.  This explores how governing boards can help evaluate and develop their school’s approaches to environmental sustainability, posing questions that they might ask about what their school is doing.  It arises from a collaboration with the National Governance Association [NGA] and complements the NGA’s own…

February 15th 2021

Becoming Beavers – Secondary teacher, Duncan Zuill and his pupils taking the John Muir Award at Levenmouth Academy’s Bat’s Wood project present their experiences in this short video Becoming Beavers in Bat’s Wood . Voiceovers were recorded during this lockdown and compiled on footage taken towards the end of last term. This video draws together…

The Weight of the Human World

In a recent post on the Earthbound Report, Jeremy Williams says that 2020 may have “marked a strange symbolic moment: when the weight of the human world overtook the weight of the natural living world.” [*] The post begins: “A paper in the Nature journal [*] has attempted to quantify and compare these two measurements. On one…

Feb 8th 2021

The Economics of Biodiversity – The Dasgupta Review was published last week and is available to download. The final Review comprises the Full Report, an Abridged Version and Headline Messages. It calls for changes in how we think, act and measure economic success in order to protect and enhance both our prosperity and the natural world. The…

Natural England Research Update

This is part of a recent round up by Natural England of recent and relevant evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items from the UK and abroad, with a focus on education and learning. This supports the Strategic Research Network for People and Nature to develop better…

February 1st 2021

An unwelcome CO2 milestone – The Met Office is predicting that the annual average CO2 concentration will be 416.3 parts per million (ppm) between April and June 2021. This will be 50% higher than 278 ppm that existed in the late 18th century when the industrial revolution began. The Met Office says that It took more than 200…