Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
UNESCO has published a new book to stimulate the discussion on the role of learning and education in the 21st century. Rethinking education – Towards a global common good? was released at the World Education Forum 2015 in Incheon, Republic of Korea, and feeds in to the policy debate and negotiations of the post-2015 development agenda. Unesco says: “We…
Where will you be today? Will you be inside (again)? Or will you be with your students in the warm breeze and experiencing that feel-good factor that comes of fresh air, exercise, and the stimulus of the natural world? If not, why not? It is empty classroom day, after all.
The Vatican has published the Pope’s long-awaited encyclical on climate change: On Care for Our Common Home. It runs to 246 paragraphs and ends with a prayer for our earth. Pope Francis argues for a new partnership between science and religion to address human-driven climate change, and chides those who remain sceptics on the issue. The encyclical is necessarily spiritual,…
The Conservation Foundation is attempting to unlock the mystery of why some trees survived Dutch elm disease which wiped out over 25 million elms in the UK. David Shreeve, Director of the Foundation, says: “We want to interest a new generation in the elm, so much a feature of the British life and landscape…
The 2015 Eco-schools roadshow is ready to roll. You can spend a day at an Eco-Schools Ambassador school exploring the Eco-Schools programme. The events are: June 24: St. Mary’s, Colchester…book now July 2: Bootham School, York….book now July 15: Cardinal Allen High School, Fylde, Lancashire….book now September 15: Bruton School for Girls, Somerset….book now September 23: Keep Britain Tidy, Shoreditch, London….book now September 29: The…
This is the title of a post on the Permaculture Ambassadors blog. It begins … My journey as a Permaculture designer and educator has taken many directions. There have been times however when I have questioned the direction I was taking, leaving me wondering not just if I was capable of becoming a designer but…
You can register here for the 2015 Sustainable Schools Conference in Bristol on July 2nd. As part of Bristol’s Green Capital 2015 activities, the University of Bristol, the Sustainable Schools Alliance, and SEEd, will host this year’s conference. You will be able to … Engage your pupils through peer-to-peer learning with student volunteers from the University of Bristol Share your…
Green Teacher is a Canadian environmental education journal – similar to NAEE’s Environmental Education. It is offering insights into its work with free access to two of the articles published in its latest edition. They are: Taking Kids to the Community “Shoot” down Nature Deficit Disorder
Co-operative Energy has announced that its Community Energy Conference 2015 is titled ‘New Government, New Dawn’ and will be jointly hosted with Community Energy England. More details here.
Research in Barcelona, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, and reported in the Guardian, explores the relationship between children’s exposure to green spaces at school, and their learning. The Guardian report says: “The researchers carried out mental performance tests on 2,593 children aged seven to 10 attending 36 primary schools in Barcelona every three months…