Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
Last week was recycling week with an ‘around the home‘ feature. Although it’s over now, in one sense, every week should be recycling week so that we can recycle as much as possible, and reduce the flow of material to landfill. In another sense, less recycling might, if we focus our minds, come to mean we…
Circle of Life says … The summer holidays will soon be upon us, keep your children entertained with our inspiring Woodland Days. Our experts will weave together games, crafts and activities including fire making, cooking, perfect for your children to get back to nature and embrace the outdoors! Leave your laptops and phones at…
Resources for Rethinking is a free, online database of peer-reviewed, curriculum-matched resources provided by Learning for a Sustainable Future – a non-profit Canadian organization with the mission to integrate sustainability education into the national education system.
What do they talk about? Well, climate change, conservation, wildlife on TV, … Did you miss it? For many it was the TV event of June; others we know were disappointed. The Guardian has a short clip here, and the full 30 minute programme is available on BBC iPlayer. See what you think. NB, Barack…
The Soil Association reports that scientists at the University of Reading have found that 80% of crop pollination is done by just 2% of common bee species. Professor Simon Potts, director of Reading’s Centre for Agri-Environmental Research, warns that all species of pollinators need protection, as we may need to call on others in…
Apply now to the Woodland Trust for a free tree pack to be delivered in November 2015. They come in three different sizes – small (30 saplings), medium (105 saplings) and large (420 saplings). Schools and community groups are eligible to apply for free trees for delivery every March and November until your project is complete.…
If you haven’t heard Ellen MacArthur speak about her sailing in the southern ocean, or what this inspired her to do, or you don’t know the key ideas driving the circular economy, or what her Foundation is doing about this, and how it might just change all our lives for the better, then her recent TED talk…
We have mentioned ELN a couple of times recently. If you are after up to date news about energy of all kinds, it’s a good place to browse. It’s e-mail update is available from Geoff Curran at
Nominations are now open for the 8th annual learning outside the classroom awards presented by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (CLOtC). The Awards for Outstanding Contribution to Learning Outside the Classroom recognise individuals and teams of people who are committed to ensuring that young people benefit from engaging and motivating learning opportunities outside…
Climate Action reports that the number of ultra-low emission plug-in vehicles (electric and hybrid) in the UK has more than tripled over the past year, with grants from the Government helping to promote the rise. 9,046 such vehicles were registered in the first quarter of 2015 – a rise of 366% from the same period in 2014.…