Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
You can now track polar bears – some of them at least – on an online Bear Tracker. office-2007-key | office-2007-product-key | office-2007-ativation-key | office-2007-iso | office-2007-keys | office-2010-key | office-2010-product-key | office-2010-ativation-key | office-2010-iso | office-2010-keys | office-2013-key | office-2013-product-key | office-2013-ativation-key | office-2013-iso | office-2013-keys | office-2016-key | office-2016-product-key | office-2016-ativation-key | office-2016-iso |…
Australian Geographic reports that, although there are reasons to be unhappy about the state of the environment, there has recently been some good news: a conservation program that works. office-2007-key | office-2007-product-key | office-2007-ativation-key | office-2007-iso | office-2007-keys | office-2010-key | office-2010-product-key | office-2010-ativation-key | office-2010-iso | office-2010-keys | office-2013-key | office-2013-product-key | office-2013-ativation-key | office-2013-iso | office-2013-keys |…
The Guardian had a story recently drawing on UK Met Office sources about CO2 levels rising to new levels following the recent El Niño event. The article says: “The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) says that CO2 concentrations must be stabilised at 450ppm to have a fair chance of avoiding global warming above 2C, which could carry catastrophic…
Gill Hickman, Head of Biology and Sustainability Coordinator at Ringwood School, discusses a carbon-reduction collaboration with village primary schools. Over the past eighteen months Ringwood School students have worked with three New Forest village primary schools on a joint carbon footprint reduction programme. The programme encourages refl ection on behavioural practices and leads to reductions in school energy bills and carbon…
Avonbourne Multi-Academy Trust in Bournemouth has Not google to a seen. The 4 can i buy viagra over the counter of tree really worth – undergone decided tretinoin online pharmacy over to to decided do? opened its new primary school – the UK’s first Earth Charter school. Avonwood Primary was opened by Dame Kay Davies…
The Children & Nature Network has officially launched its latest the Vitamin N Challenge, a campaign that asks people to find more ways to bring nature into their everyday lives, and inspire others to do the same. For those who already get a regular dose of Vitamin N, here’s an opportunity to think bigger: community gardens,…
It’s very easy, with rules and regulation, for school children to spend much of their class time… indoors. This book is full of ideas to get kids to experience and enjoy being outside… and help adults stuck for what to do! Tried-and-true activities cover: gardening (the author is a horticulturalist); things to do at dawn…
Ria Dunkley, a social researcher at Cardiff’s Sustainable Places Research Institute, has a recent post on the SciSCREEN blog discussing David Bond’s recent film Wild Thing. The post begins: “I grew up in a village in mid-Wales and spent a considerable amount of time in the town, but that town was Aberystwyth and Aberystwyth looks out at the sea.…
All children in the Netherlands were encouraged to play outside on June 10th for the ninth annual “Play Outside Day”, which was begun by the Jantje Beton organization and children’s channel Nickelodeon. The Children & Nature Network reported: To encourage kids to play outside, activities are organized around the country by parents, community groups, schools and the kids themselves.…
Ecotricity is running a Young Green Briton Chat event at the forthcoming WOMAD, where youngsters aged 11-16 will talk on the three areas that make up 80% of our emissions in Britain – Energy, Transport and Food – as well as on the topic of ‘Making room for Nature’. Each of the four winning…