Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

Drawing trees at Kew

Kew has a new day course on an introduction to drawing trees, which covers composition, scale, experimentation, and texture.  After an outdoor ice-breaker exercise using sketchbooks/paper on board, the morning continues with composition studies using viewfinders. This focuses on how the structure of branches and negative space can bring balance to a composition.  The day also includes sessions…

Writing competition on climate change

The National Physical Laboratory (NPL) is asking 16 to 25 year olds to write about how they think climate change will influence their lives and what they think should be done to combat it.  This is an opportunity for aspiring scientists or writers to have their voice heard by thousands of readers interested in environmental issues. The winning article will be published in The Ecologist,…

Yale Evironment 360

This is our website of the week. It is a publication of the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies It covers a wide range of important international environmental topics and, as you can cialis cost with insurance see, has some great pics. buy cialis The image accompanies an pharmacy tech salary in canada article…

Climate Change by Numbers

This (slightly up-dated) article was first published in NAEE‘s Spring 2015 journal Environmental Education (Vol 108), as our ‘President’s Column’.  The views are Bill Scott’s own, not NAEE’s. Climate Change by Numbers Did you watch BBC FOUR’s Climate Change by Numbers back in March? Unusually for a BBC science programme on TV, it was presented by three mathematicians. Unsurprisingly then,…

Perhaps this changes everything

A free education pack for the film of Naomi Klein’s This Changes Everything, has been released in the UK. It contains a series of short clips taken from the film which highlight the complexities of trying to balance society, economy and environment.  The videos show how people from all walks of life and countries are trying to create change.  There are also…

Some SEEd myth-busting

The SEEd website has a feature, written by Natural England’s Principal Advisor for Outdoor Learning, Jim Burt, busting 4 myths on outdoor learning in schools.  These are: Myth 1: In order to get outdoor learning into schools we need to change the national curriculum Myth 2: Outdoor learning is just for extra-curricular activity Myth 3: Outdoor…