Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
Richard Louv asks this on the Children & Nature blog. So, today, Black Friday, don’t shop, but get out! His piece begins: “In 2015, the leaders of the retail outdoor equipment Co-op REI made a big decision. They closed their doors on Black Friday, the biggest day in the global retail calendar. Instead, they encouraged their…
The GA has a feature on the Frederick Snoddy awards which have supported field trips ranging from a primary school residential on the Isle of Man to a Sixth Form expedition to Indonesia. The Frederick Soddy Trust was established in 1957 under the terms set out in the will of the chemist and Nobel Laureate,…
Here’s another lively round up of activities and information from the Children and Nature Network – the other CNN. These are the headlines: Around 600,000 Children Worldwide Die Annually Due to Air Pollution by John Raphael | Nature World News |Nov 04, 2016 A new report from the United Nations Children’s Fund revealed that around…
NAEE is looking for a new president after Bill Scott, our most recent one, changed roles within the Association to be Chair of the Board of Trustees. We’re looking for an experienced UK environmental education practitioner and / or researcher well known and respected across the field someone whose values fit with those of NAEE professionally active,…
There’s only a day to go to the CLOtC conference. Here are a few highlights: Penny Hay from 5x5x5=creativity and Bath Spa University will highlight the importance arts and creativity activities outside the classroom. 5x5x5=creativity fosters creative enquiry by empowering children and young people to take the lead in their learning, explore the world around them and…
Morgan Phillips has post on the EEPRO website that looks at a school that has created a garden using the plants from the greats of American literature. It begins: “One of the most exciting and uplifting stories I heard at the NAAEE conference came from a session titled ‘Greening the Literature Classroom’. Jennifer McQuillan is an…
Anna Carlile’s book accomplishes an impressive merging of style and substance; at first glance stunning and evocative photography draws the reader in yet suggests that this is nothing more than a walk in the woods in coffee-table reading form. However, on full immersion into the (admittedly slightly hard-on-the-eye) text and projects Carlile has brought together,…
The GA has published a case study page with a summary of the recent New Zealand earthquake, with personal accounts, links to further information, video clips and enquiry questions. Here are the links … Initial earthquake damage and response New Zealand earthquake latest: Two confirmed dead after 7.8 magnitude tremors on South Island – includes gallery and video clip, Independent. New Zealand earthquake: Two dead following powerful…
Here’s Johan Rockström (Executive Director of the Stockholm Resilience Centre) writing at the start of WWF’s Living Planet Report 2016. A RESILIENT EARTH FOR FUTURE GENERATIONS It is rare that a scientific idea fundamentally alters our worldview. Copernicus’s realization that the Earth orbits the sun is one such example. Darwin’s theory of evolution is another.…
Matt Roper, CEO of GreenBuying, writes about his company’s work with schools. There is a growing awareness within the education sector of the need and potential to ’buy green’ and there muse or viagra are plenty of examples of committed individuals taking major steps to become more sustainable in their arrangements generic viagra with suppliers.…