Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

World Heritage and Tourism in a Changing Climate

Here’s a link to a UNESCO report on World Heritage and Tourism in a Changing Climate.  It begins: From Venice and its Lagoon to the Galápagos Islands, some of the world’s most iconic World Heritage sites are vulnerable to climate change.  In this new analysis, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), and the Union…

Countryside jobs update

Click here to read the latest from the CJS The first featured job is: Prime Environment are seeking experienced Ecologists in the Midlands for a 5 /6 month contract starting in March.  You will principally be working away from the office on a single, large, infrastructure scheme (HS2), potentially also supporting us on other projects across the UK.…

FEN Forest Education Network news

Click here to read the latest Forest Education News (FEN).  FEN is the successor body to the Forest Education Initiative (FEI) in England and it seeks to engage more young people in forest and woodland environments by supporting delivery of education in forest and woodland settings, networking and sharing good practice, and facilitating communication between the sectors…

European nature laws not to be revised

Here’s a blog from The Wildlife Trusts about good news for wildlife. It begins: “Today the European Commission agreed not to ‘open’ up the Birds and Habitats Directives (the ‘Nature Directives’) – these are key European wildlife protection laws which had been the subject of a review into their effectiveness.  Opening up these laws to further…

Solutions for the planet

Click here to read the latest from Solutions for the Planet which is a social enterprise, working with businesses, schools and communities to promote education for sustainable development, science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) careers for young people. It is committed to: Innovative, sustainable and entrepreneurial solutions to environmental and societal problems, led by young people Inspiring…