Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
You will find the latest news from the Countryside Classroom here. It has lots of features including: the RHS Campaign for School Gardening, Garden Organic’s resources for schools, CAT’s new quarry trail, Food Growing Schools in London (FGSL), and the RHS Spotter Guide resources what are now available to download in Welsh.
You can catch up with what the Parks Alliance is up to here. There are features on: the House of Commons’ Communities and Local Government Select Committee’s Inquiry into the Future of Public Parks the Landscape Institute annual awards
In a recent Outward Bound Trust blog, Andrew Wilson shared his belief in the benefits of oudoor learning and explained how it can work in the context of an inner-city comprehensive. He began: “I’m going to put my cards on the table straight away; I am as passionate about learning in the outdoors as I am…
You can follow animals migrating in real time by clicking here on Movebank which is an online database of animal tracking data hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Ornithology. This helps animal tracking researchers manage, share, protect, analyze, and archive their data. Movebank is an international project with over 11,000 users, including people from research and conservation groups…
The Future Foundation was formed in 2016 by four co-founders; Alice Thorn, Matt Turner, Michelle Boshoff and Rob Nunn – with the aim to grow a Nonprofit Organisation that focuses on the positive development of several areas of the South African environment and economy. FF believes in the protection of the planet for the betterment of its environment, and the people and animals…
Think Global says that February is more than Valentine’s Day and Shrove Tuesday, it is also about marking LBGT History month, Social Justice Day and Fairtrade Fortnight. Click here for the update. Meanwhile, Lamis Zamzam, Bassema Barahmeh and Veena Nabar will be the guest speakers at TG’s Sharing Experience of Fairtrade event on 27 February to launch the Fairtrade Fortnight Susy speakers’ tour. You…
Countryside Classroom is looking for contributions to its newsletter which is circulated to around 12,000 teachers and other education professionals who are using food, farming and the natural environment to engage students and enhance their learning right across the curriculum. The CC says that “it’s the ideal vehicle to promote your activities to this audience.” It…
The GA is calling students, NQTs and primary teachers to let them know about its 2017 Conference TeachMeet. This will take place on Friday 21 April before the free networking and quiz and unofficial #beermeet. The GA is looking for students, NQTs and primary colleagues to give a short presentation. You can sign up online.
This important question was posed by Rob Bushby, the John Muir Trust’s Award Manager, in an article for the The Scotsman on January 13th. It appears in full on the JMT website. The article begins: “Children are disconnected from nature” has become something of a worrying mantra. We’re told that they spend less time out…
You can catch up with the final outputs from the Natural Connections project at Plymouth here. NC says: “Outdoor learning isn’t a subject or topic; it’s a powerful way of teaching. Natural Connections has shown that it’s possible for school grounds and local greenspaces to be used regularly to support teaching and learning across the curriculum. It…