Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

From anecdotes to evidence about environmental education

NAAEE and its partners across North America have been conducting comprehensive literature reviews to explore the impact of environmental education on key outcome areas, and developing communication tools based on these reviews. Its first outcome is finished – eeWORKS: From Anecdotes to Evidence: Demonstrating the Impact of Environmental Education Stanford University’s analysis suggests that environmental education provides a wide array of benefits…

Circle of Life CPD

Circle of Life has announced its new CPD programme which you will find here.  This includes: Play & The Outdoors  24th & 25th March  Read more » An introduction to Outdoor Learning and the Curriculum  18th May  Read more  Trees as a Model for Learning  8th June  Read more Games for Learning with Nature  14th June…

National Park Board members needed

Natural England is looking to recruit 11 new Secretary of State (SoS) appointed members to seven of the English National Parks and three (SoS) members to the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB) Conservation Boards. These are: The Broads Authority Dartmoor National Park Lake District National Park New Forest National Park Northumberland National Park North York…

World wetlands day

February 2nd was World Wetlands day, and we forgot to tell you. Never mind, here’s a link to a useful list of the World’s Days, some of which may well be helpful.  World Wetlands Day marks the 1971 Convention on Wetlands that was established to educate people about the importance of wetlands and what they mean to humanity and the…

Otters, Toads and Frogs

Here’s a story from bioGraphic about the otter: Although most European otters (Lutra lutra) tend to prey primarily on fish, some have developed a taste for frogs and toads—a food choice that requires some deft preparation.  Because common toads (Bufo bufo) have toxins in both their skin and the glands on either side near the…

LEEF Manager

LEEF  – the London Environmental Education Forum – is looking for a manager.  So, if you are an outgoing, organised, self-motivated individual with the capacity to lead and grow projects, and if you have experience in and a passion for Environmental and/or sustainability education, then this might be for you. This is a 3 day a week…

Children and Nature Research Digest

Click here to read the latest Children and Nature Research Digest. This is a new and welcome venture from CN&N, and there are features on: Creativity     Education     Environmental Concern     Families     Mental health     Physical health and activity     Play     Social justice For example: Nature imagery promotes creativity High school students viewing…