Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

Circular Economy update

Click here for the latest from the Ellen MacArthur Foundation on the Circular Economy. The Circulate Reading List is a monthly review of issues relevant to the circular economy.  It begins like this: Phones, cars and buildings are just part of the circular economy story.  Find out why the biological cycle holds so much potential with Circulate’s latest…

Does changing our behaviour at school actually make a difference in terms of climate change?

Does changing our behaviour at school actually make a difference in terms of climate change? And if it does, how can we know? Sheila Gundry Bins slopping with school dinner waste…. images of tonnes of unnecessary waste dumped in landfill sites…. waste can really capture children’s attention. What’s more, it’s a tangible issue for children…

British Science Education

You can read the latest from British Science Education here.  BSE says that: “The poster and photo competitions that run as part of British Science Week are still open for entries for another month!  Get creative and you can be in with a chance of winning exciting prizes including copies of Roald Dahl’s George’s Marvellous Medicine and a camera.” There’s…

LIFT-Off for new Frontiers for Sustainability

LIFT is the University of Gloucestershire’s pedagogical innovation programme, led by the Sustainability Team in partnership with the Academic Development Unit.  It reflects the strategic collaboration established between the two departments, to advance the Education for Sustainability work and support new academic initiatives and professional development in this area. The LIFT event on Thursday 8th June features: 8…

Circulate update

Here’s the latest from The Ellen MacArthur Foundation’s Circulate team. There are features on: How can the circular economy work for people?  Organic matters, Urban bicycles,   Regeneration and restoration in Eritrea  Biodegradable shoes, deckles bike sharing, renewable microgrids and more.

More research reports from Natural England

Here’s more recent and relevant evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items issued by the partnership of Natural England, The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom and Historic England on behalf of and for the Strategic Research Groups.  This supports the Strategic Research Groups for Learning in Natural…

Garden birds in April

The BBC’s Discover Wildlife has a feature on a range of the birds found in urban gardens: Garden birds in April: Dawn chorus. Here’s an extract: The dawn chorus is one of those natural phenomena that lap at the doorstep, and yet is rarely heard and appreciated in its fullness. In theory, it’s easy to rise…