Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
Here are some suggestions c/o Wildlife Watch for summer activities: Top 5 Things to Try in Your Garden This Summer Matthew Appleby, author of ‘The Children’s Garden’offers helpful, easy ways you can get your children outdoors this summer! What’s more, you can win a copy of the book yourself! Give it a read Our 30 Days…
Hooda Samad Reception teacher, Montgomery Primary Academy, Birmingham As a ‘Talk 4 Writing’ school, we always focus our literacy around a story; this half term, Reception children are reading The Bad-Tempered Ladybird by Eric Carle. To immerse the children into the story, we planned a trip to Martineau Gardens which gave them hands-on experience by…
1. The Natural History Museum is looking for teachers to support the development of learning and training opportunities as the Museum. Amongst others, these include representation on our Teacher Advisory Networks, attendance at consultation sessions and providing advice on teacher support and training needs. You can register your interest by providing us with your details including the…
Here is a selection of the many websites that focus on birds. 1. Birds of Britain Over 450 pages including changing monthly features and a permanent guide to Britain’s bird reserves and clubs. 2. Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) The RSPB’s website provides you with your local RSPB reserves, the birds that should be around…
Today’s blog comes from Kim Somerville, coordinator of the ‘Brilliant Residentials’ campaign for Learning Away. In the post, Kim explains what pupils, teachers and schools can gain from high-quality residential stays. Learning Away began working closely with 60 primary, secondary and special schools in 2009, to demonstrate the positive impact of high-quality residential learning. The schools have…
A chance to get involved … 1. The next LEAF Conference is calling for case studies on engaging teenagers with farming, food and the environment. A key part of the conference will be sharing experiences and best practice. If you have any key learnings from working with teenagers which you would like to share, and/or have successfully engaged…
The last part (The Path Ahead; page 122) of WWF’s 2016 Living Planet report says this: The facts and figures in this report tend to paint a challenging picture, yet there is still considerable room for optimism. If we manage to carry out critically needed transitions, the rewards will be immense. Fortunately, we are not starting…
The annual TEESNet conference takes place in Liverpool on September 14th. In addition to Stephen Twigg MP, Chair of the International Development select committee, and Irmeli Halinen, previously Head of Curriculum Development at the Finnish National Agency of Education, there are wide range of other topics to discuss. These include: Applying an SDG Lens to Youth Led Active…
The Guardian has been running a feature on food growing in schools that began way back in February 2016. The details are here. Postings include: Children must know how the food they eat affects the planet. Corinna Hawkes says more needs to be done to help children make better food choices. a sustainable diet is one way…
1. Rooted Forest School, based in Herefordshire, but works around the Midlands and Wales as well through mobile provision accessing woodlands near to where you are, thus keeping transport costs to a minimum. It caters for all ages working in partnership with Cambium to provide outdoor learning and Forest School training around the UK. See: Forest School and…