Earth Overshoot Day

August 13th was Earth Overshoot Day this year.  That’s the day when our annual demand for the goods and services that our land and seas can provide goes beyond what the Earth’s ecosystems can renew in a year. Overshoot means we are drawing down the planet’s principal rather than living off its annual interest and leads to a depletion…

Experience the world

Here’s a blog post from the Hampshire & Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust on the importance of learning outside. It begins: It’s a myth to think that learning outside the classroom is ‘just play’ – we’ve seen first-hand how play helps children develop their social, emotional and physical skills. Every young person should experience the…

The Worm – an underground adventure

Click here to see something of the Whirlybird Theatre Company’s underground eco-drama: Underneath your feet in the muddy brown soil squirms the world’s best kept secret – a wonderful, magical creature called the Worm.  Join Wilma and William, two nature lovers, on a journey underground as they discover a family  of friendly, musical worms and their colourful…

El Niño – or not?

Are you confused about what an El Niño is, and how it starts (or not)?  And are you, perhaps, not all that clear about the Walker circulation either – we certainly weren’t! Last week’s Economist looked in readable detail at the Pacific Ocean phenomena that so significantly influences our weather even though it’s half a world away.

An August Midnight

  We think of Thomas Hardy as a nature poet, although probably not to the extent that we know John Clare to be one. Hardy’s ‘An August Midnight‘, written in 1915, is not just about the natural world, but concerns our relationships in it. Here it is: A shaded lamp and a waving blind, And the beat…

The world’s largest lesson

  On 25th September, the UN will announce its Global Goals for Sustainable Development [SDGs], that aim to make our planet fair, healthy and sustainable by 2030.  The ambition of The World’s Largest Lesson (beginning 27th September) is that children across the world will learn about these goals and began to contribute to their achievement. For schools, it’s…

Not Just Hot Air – Putting Climate change into Practice

A new publication, ‘Not Just Hot Air – Putting Climate Change Education into Practice’, presents UNESCO’s recent work in supporting education policy-makers and teacher educators to act on climate change. It includes national case studies on UNESCO country pilots in the Dominican Republic, Guyana, Mauritius, Tuvalu and South Africa, making accessible results and lessons learned.  …

Never mind the Romans

What has nature ever done for us? is the title of a well-received book by Tony Juniper which was published in 2013 by Profile Books?   As the blurb says: “… nature provides the ‘natural services’ that keep the economy going.  From the recycling miracles in the soil;  an army of predators ridding us of unwanted pests;…

And the sea rises higher

The Guardian is reporting a NASA study which says that sea levels worldwide  have risen by an average of almost 8cm since 1992 because of warming waters and melting ice. In 2013, the IPCC predicted sea levels would rise from between 0.3 and 0.9m by the end of the century, but this new research suggests that the…