Our plastic footprint

The Marine Conservation Society wants June to be the month to reduce our ‘plastic footprint’. For more information, free resources, how to join the plastic challenge community click here. The MSC says that simple wins include getting your water bottle and lunch box out and using them; re-using the plastic wrappers food does come for other uses; enjoying…

Questions at an election

The Soil Association has drawn up a list of questions to ask candidates on the doorstep or in the street.  Of course, these explore the Associaton’s priorities – but many (most?) of these are widely shared.  They are also questions that provide a rounded framework for exploring issues about farming and food with young people…

Garden Organic in May

The May edition of Garden Organic’s newsletter is here.  This includes: The fight against the use of neonicotinoids – Good news! Last month, two important steps were made in the fight to rid our gardens and countryside of damaging neonicotinoid insecticides.  Both Defra and B&Q have made bold steps to reduce the use of neonics. International Compost Awareness Week…

Thinking of the MEEN

Our thoughts have been with MEEN, the Manchester Environmental Education Network, this week, but not because of the environmental education they do. MEEN is dedicated to supporting teachers, organisations and individuals working to promote environmental education and education for sustainability. You’ll find details of what MEEN does here.  It helps educationalists meet up, share good practice and train…

Research about connecting children to nature

Researchers in sustainability science at Stockholm University are seeking input from professionals about connecting children to nature.  Their request starts: We are researchers in sustainability science and we are seeking input from professionals in the field of connecting children to nature.  We have prepared a survey to understand what kind of nature experiences connect children to nature, and what kind of abilities…

School Farms Network Education Alliance Conference

The first School Farms Network Education Alliance Conference will take place from 30th June – 1st July at the Royal Agricultural University in Cirencester. It aims to revive interest in school-based farming and the role farms in schools have in the development of an holistic education.  The conference will have keynote presentations, breakout sessions and practitioner-focused sharing and practical workshops,…

Education and Global Goals

Today’s blog is by Clive Belgeonne, Education Adviser at DECSY (Development Education Centre, South Yorkshire), one of the National Leaders (North) of the Global Learning Programme (England), and Course Leader of PG Citizenship Education at Sheffield Hallam University. Education and Global Goals In September 2015, 193 world leaders agreed to 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development.…

Martineau Gardens on Outdoor Classroom Day

Martineau Gardens, in Edgbaston invited pupils from Christ the King Primary School, Kingstanding  to become Plant Professors for a day, during their school visit to the Gardens on Outdoor Classroom Day (Thursday 18 May). When pupils attend a teaching session at Martineau Gardens they learn about the natural environment in the grounds of a beautiful community garden. Whilst …

Happy Birthday, Arkive

May 20th marked 14 years of Arkive which now features over 16,000 species, adding over 3 new ones every day. In the human world, the 14th year of marriage, is celebrated as the ivory anniversary. While elephant-themed gifts are now the go-to for many couples, the ivory trade persists around the world and is driving the world’s largest land animal to extinction. For this 14th anniversary,…