Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
Graham Frost is headteacher of the Robert Ferguson primary school in Carlisle and he contributed a blog here earlier in the year following his school’s successful organising of a climate summit. Late last month he contributed to the #iwill conference which featured the launch of Transform Our World – a digital repository of teaching resources for schools…
NAEE is pleased to announce that we shall be working with COBIS supporting its new Eco-Award for its schools. COBIS is a membership association of British International Schools. COBIS supports its 500+ members and represent their interests in Britain and overseas, particularly with Government, education authorities and educational associations. The Award scheme will run from October 2019…
Here’s a selection of research and other reports related to learning and the environment collated by Natural England. A coordinated research agenda for nature-based learning Jordan & Chawla – Frontiers in Psychology Nature-based learning as an avenue for enhancing children’s educational and developmental outcomes is receiving wide-spread attention. After an extensive review of the literature…
NAEE is looking forward to contributing to the work of Our Shared World – a consortium of organisations whose overarching goal is that “by 2030, the UK education community ensures every learner receives an education that equips them to contribute to a just, sustainable and resilient world through the implementation of Sustainable Development Goal 4.7″. The draft objectives are: 1 (embedded,…
Thanks to everyone who has commented on Bill Scott’s post last Tuesday about a climate change curriculum. Although all the comments can be found alongside the post on the website, we’ve pulled out a few highlights: “The big missing piece, for me — the elephant not invited into the room — is the question of…
In early October a new campaign – “Teach the Future” – will be launched by SOS-UK, UKSCN and XR-educators. The plan is to bring pressure to bear on the new government that will emerge from the forthcoming election, and, more importantly, perhaps, influence the manifestos of the political parties going into the election. The campaign aims…
Here’s an initial selection of books with environmental themes suitable for primary education that has been put together by the Centre for Literacy in Primary Education CLPE. The Storm Whale by Benji Davies Simon and Schuster 9781471115684 Noi lives a self-sufficient life with his dad by the sea in an isolated home reminiscent of the fishing huts at…
Today’s blog is written by our Chair of Trustees, Bill Scott. It explores the issue of a curriculum that is serious about exploring rapid climate change. Bill is writing in a personal capacity, and these are not NAEE’s views. The post was published on his own blog yesterday. Now that it’s become clear that curriculum time…
We had an email from UKSCN last week. This is what it said: The climate crisis is the number one challenge facing us all — it’s down to us to make the government realise that urgent climate action can’t wait. To do that, we need as many people as possible to turn out for the…
Here’s a selection of news and research that CLOtC has highlighted recently – in case you missed them. You can follow CLOtC’s research reporting here, and its news output here. Each is regularly updated and so are worth monitoring. The meaning of participation in school ground greening: A study from project to everyday setting.…