Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
A new guide to High Quality Outdoor Learning Guide has been published by the Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel to encourage and support provision of high quality experiences. The guide provides information and ideas on what high quality learning can look like, what it can achieve and methods of evaluation. Backed up with the latest research…
NAEE’s 2015 AGM is on October 24th this year. It’s being held at the imposing Birmingham and Midland Institute in the centre of Birmingham. It starts at 1030, and we hope to see you there. More details nearer the time.
Here’s a recent summary of UK renewable energy subsidies c/0 regensw. The recent wave of announcements of cuts to renewable energy support have been justified on the basis of cutting costs. The Office of Budget Responsibility has calculated the cost of supporting low carbon power by 2020/21 has risen from a budget of £7.6 billion to £9.1 billion.…
If you’re anywhere near Edinburgh, then this might be just what you want. The Soil Association & LfS Scotland, in Association with the James Hutton Institute, invite you to the Edinburgh premier of Symphony of the Soils followed by a personal Q&A session with the director Deborah Koons as part of the celebrations for the International Year of the Soils. Symphony of…
Bgen is holding a networking event on 30th September in the Chelsea Physic Garden. The day will focus on supporting schools in delivering the new curriculum. The programme has been shaped to give a variety of expert perspectives from leading professionals on what the new curriculum looks like one year on. Speakers include: Paul Davies (Institute of Education) who…
To mark the environmental and sustainability education research network’s participation in the ECER conference, the leading academic journal Environmental Education Research has developed a Virtual Special Issue focusing on studies of ESE policy. To access the VSI, please click here. This on key examples of research on this topic from the past two decades of papers in the Journal,…
The Countryside Classroom website is now live, connecting schools with food, farming and the natural environment, and FACE are looking for feedback. They’d also like you to contribute to their first bulletin to be circulated to schools in early September, keeping everyone informed about Countryside Classroom. You can contribute into these sections: Community – stories about your work with…
Learning 2B Sustainable aims to bring together the best of sustainability, environmental and global education and support schools in developing their own plans and priorities. Its latest news is here, and information about the Growing Up Green & Global event this Friday 18th September at Harper Adams University, Newport, is here. NAEE will be there, so do drop by…
NAEE president, William Scott is making the closing remarks at the Eco-Schools Roadshow in Bruton on Tuesday. Heading the bill, however, is Simon King OBE whose wide-ranging wildlife work “bringing nature to you” can be found here.
The Guardian begins a report about the illegal killing of small birds like this: “The Egyptians line their beaches with fine two-metre high nets that can stretch for miles across the Nile delta and will catch any bird coming close; the Maltese will cover whole trees in nylon; the Cypriots smear branches in glue to…