Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
The Children & Nature Network has alerted the world to the UK’s problems with a feature on 2-year olds and their iPads and tablets. It begins … “Most kids start using tablets by the age of two and get a smartphone when they are seven, a survey has found. More than half of parents admitted they…
The British Dragonfly Society has a series of resources for teachers. These include powerpoint slides and teachers’ notes.
The Economist has a feature article on the pressures that plants are under across the world. It is based on Kew’s new report: The State of the World’s Plants 2016 which was recently published. You can see the Economist feature here, and the report (with its great pictures and graphics) is here.
Bill Ballantine was a noted New Zealand marine biologist and grassroots activist who successfully promoting the establishment of “no-take” marine reserves, both in New Zealand and internationally. These unprecedented reserves are widely considered to be a critical means of protecting marine resources which are quickly being depleted around the globe. In a Conservation Blog, marine…
I should begin by declaring an interest: I like watching bees and can often be found in the garden looking at them when I might be doing something more productive. It’s as though their sheer industriousness is enough without my joining in. I am not an expert on bees, nor do I possess great knowledge…
The USA is a huge place, and public lands comprise about one-third of the land area, making them a potentially great environmental learning resource. One way to access these is through the Hands on the Land network of field classrooms and websites. These stretch across America from Alaska to Florida, and are sponsored by Within…
Here’s NAEE President, Bill Scott, with some thoughts from his University of bath blog on the reception last Tuesday involving NAEE members and those from NAAEE in the USA, and the members of the Global Environmental Education Project steering committee: The GEEP event last week ended with a reception at @Bristol hosted by the UK’s National Association for Environmental…
Red wolves are in trouble. Since the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service abandoned efforts to recover these exceedingly rare animals, which today live only in North Carolina, their population has dropped by more than 50 percent in just two years. Now they’re down to as few as 45. That’s why the Center for Biological Diversity and…
On August 25, 2016, the US National Park Service turns 100. The National Park Service and National Park Foundation are working closely with partners and stakeholders across the USA to ensure that the Centennial is more than a birthday. They want people everywhere to embrace the opportunities to explore, learn, be inspired or simply have fun in their 407 national…
The Innovation Award for Environmental Educators recognizes outstanding nursery, primary and secondary school teachers who employ innovative approaches to environmental education and use the environment as a context for learning for their students. Up to two teachers from each region will be selected to receive this award. We know that this sounds too good to…