Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

Broadening horizons in conservation education

Nikki Burton Mallott The remit of a conservation educator is to connect audiences with the natural world and encourage the uptake of positive environmental behaviors. At Knowsley Safari, we are looking to achieve this more broadly in our community. Two approaches have been explored: 1. An integrated approach to nature, health and wellbeing 2. Framing conservation through…

23rd October 2023

New Conversations – The latest edition of Elephant Times is now available.  This shares the experience and some of the ideas from a conference that brought students and teachers together from a variety of schools in South Wales.  Recent Tide~ work has focused on the educational implications of the climate crisis and the conference evolved from that work.  The challenge now…

Per Capita CO2 Emissions

Our World in Data has been updating its ability to use ‘interactive data visualizations’ in its work.  A good way to see this is in its display of per capita CO2 emissions from 1750 to 2021. You can select the countries whose data you wish to study and then see these as maps, tables and charts.  You can…

16th October 2023

Net Zero Schools – This week Teach the Future launched its report with Energise on the cost of net zero schools.   Teach the Future wants to see all schools in the UK decarbonised as they say that this will reduce their climate impact and save money in the long term.  Doing this, they say, will also allow education buildings to…

Education, Climate, Action

“Education, Climate, Action” – was a teacher-led event in London last Monday aimed at bringing organisations together. NAEE President, Prof Justin Dillon was there and here are his thoughts on the event. As ever with our blogs the ideas expressed are not necessarily those of the Association. Ian, the chemistry teacher from a local school,…

A policy framework revealed

The Labour Party’s Policy Framework has appeared on line. This is the party’s policy platform which is set to shape its next manifesto. As anticipated following much lobbying, Teach the Future’s main asks are contained within it as headlines: Integrate learning about climate change and sustainability throughout the curriculum in schools and on vocational courses…

9th October 2023

DfE Snapshot – The DfE’s latest Climate in Education Snapshot is now available.  It says that the DfE’s Climate Change and Sustainability Unit has been very busy, and that the Chief Sustainability Officer, Jonathan Dewsbury has taken up a new role as Director of Capital Operations and Net Zero.  Features in this edition include: National Education Nature Park and Climate The…