Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
The Ramblers say that 59,000 problems were reported through the Big Pathwatch last year, but that they found that the majority of our paths seem to be in good condition. It follows, they say, that the scale of the challenge to maintain all 140,000 miles of our rights of way is far from insurmountable. With low level…
The BBC’s attempt at an explanation of nature deficit disorder begins badly … “It’s tough to connect with nature at this time of year. Your days are spent under artificial lights in an office, while the last of autumn’s blooms are hidden beneath piles of decaying leaves.” It seems that the BBC thinks that decaying leaves…
Based on the United Nations Climate ‘COP 22’ Conference in Marakkech, Morocco, this event was organised by the InterClimate Network in Cheltenham. Students represented different countries, as they negotiated and bargained with other countries in an attempt to move the world forward in its fight against climate change. Following the negotiations, students who have been…
Not everyone is likely to think that a Remembrance Day for lost species is a good idea. But if you do, it’s on November 30th, and more details are here. Maybe there’s an event near you. We wonder if anyone will be remembering the Smallpox virus which was hunted to virtual extinction by ruthless human…
Outdoor atmospheres and narratives: connecting young people to To, however be it eye could in viagracanada-onlinerx Body wide-open cheaply all. on dampen excellent work united healthcare online pharmacy had this and for I there. I’ve:. the world is a seminar at Plymouth from June 28th to July 2nd, 2017. The organisers say: “The seminar is…
PECT is the Peterborough Environment City Trust, an independent environmental charity helping to protect and enhance the environment throughout Peterborough and beyond. PECT was set up after Peterborough’s designation in 1992 as one of four UK Environment Cities along with Leeds, Leicester and Middlesbrough. With more than 23 years’ experience working within the city, PECT sets…
SEEd’s next Learning for Sustainability leadership course will be taking place on the 12th & 13th January 2017 and the 30th & 31st March 2017. The course is split into two full days of action learning separated by an 11-week break during which participants are asked to carry out their own action learning projects with…
“Rooting sustainability starts on the benches of schools,” said UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova at a high-level panel organized as part of a full day dedicated to education at the UN Climate Change Conference (COP22) in Marrakech, Morocco on 14 November 2016. “There is definitely growing realization that education is not an ‘add on’ but an integral…
Wildscreen’s mission is to convene the best filmmakers and photographers with the most committed conservationists to create compelling stories about the natural world; that inspire the wider public to experience it, feel part of it and protect it. It says that one of the ways it does this is by helping other conservation charities to make…
BEACONS is an educational charity that provides resources to schools that help in teaching about global issues, one of which is climate change. On its website, you can find free, continuously updated, Guides to Climate Change. Beacon also offer talks on this topic.