Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

World Soil Day

Today, December 5th, is world soil day.  Here’s a link to the UN site, and here’s one to related Twitter feeds. UN Secretary-General, Ban Ki-moon says  “On World Soil Day, I call for greater attention to the pressing issues affecting soils, including climate change, antimicrobial resistance, soil-borne diseases, contamination, nutrition and human health.” The Soil Association reminds us:…

Sacred Drum and Song

Salvatore Gencarelle will be presenting a one-day workshop on the healing power of the drum and indigenous ceremonial song from North America. Sal says that he drum is a sacred gift of re-connection and movement that was given to all people.  It connects people to the heartbeat of the great mother, the Earth.  During this workshop, he will…

Rooted Forest School

Rooted Forest School has finalised its training calendar for 2017.  A full range of Forest School and Outdoor Learning training is offered as well as one day courses at a range of venues across the Midlands. Rooted Forest School has been actively involved with the development and provision of Forest School across Herefordshire for a number of years.…

The UK’s 25-year environment plan

There was a meeting the other week at Defra about the UK’s 25-year environment plan.  This was not actually about the plan, or about the environment; rather, it was about that most muddled of ideas, outdoor learning. In the following, NAEE Chair of Trustees, Bill Scott (who was there), sets out a few thoughts on what he sees…

Voices of the Earth

Andrew Motion uses interviews with scientists and environmentalists to form the basis of a new series of poems that address the subject of climate change and which the BBC recently featured.  Motion writes, “What is happening to our planet and its creatures it a question that should keep us all awake at night. I’ve responded…

Pathwatch 2016

The Ramblers say that 59,000 problems were reported through the Big Pathwatch last year, but that they found that the majority of our paths seem to be in good condition. It follows, they say, that the scale of the challenge to maintain all 140,000 miles of our rights of way is far from insurmountable. With low level…

Schools Model Climate Change Conference

Based on the United Nations Climate ‘COP 22’ Conference in Marakkech, Morocco, this event was organised by the InterClimate Network in Cheltenham. Students represented different countries, as they negotiated and bargained with other countries in an attempt to move the world forward in its fight against climate change. Following the negotiations, students who have been…