Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

Green spaces at a tipping point

Green spaces are at a tipping point says The Parks Alliance in a comment on a recent report funded by Heritage Lottery: State of UK Public Parks 2016. The Alliance began its comment: “The Parks Alliance (TPA), the UK’s voice of parks, today responded to the Heritage Lottery Fund’s (HLF) report ‘State of UK Public Parks 2016’  by…

Low levels of physical activity among children in Scotland

The BBC has reported that Scottish children are among the least active in the world. It says that Scotland has been placed joint last in an international study of physical activity among children.  However, the Active Healthy Kids Report Card praised Scotland’s policies on encouraging physical activity, which were ranked joint second-highest of the 38 countries.  The global study…

Inaugural Living Planet Lecture

Here’s the link to the Inaugural Living Planet Lecture that was delivered earlier this month.  The film includes David Attenborough’s introduction and then the main lecture by Professor Johan Rockstrom of the Stockholm Resilience Institute introducing the concept of the new geological epoch: the Anthropocene and the model based on planetary boundaries.  WWF says: “For those who…

CNN Conference 2017

This will take place in Vancouver from April 18 to 21 2017. CNN says: “Join us in Vancouver for inspiring keynotes, expertly-curated workshops, field trips and action labs designed to support and advance the work you do to connect children, families and communities to nature.  Get the conversation going at #CNC2017″ Day one of the Conference is…

Outdoor family latest

Here’s a link to the USA’s Outdoor Family magazine. The editor’s introduction begins: “What exactly does the tagline “Every family outdoors” mean to the parents, grandparents, educators and caregivers reading our magazine? The OFM team thinks it means this: Consciously making time every day to go outside with the children in our care. Exploring the…

Do We Know What We Are Doing?

Rolf Jucker has a new book: Do We Know What We Are Doing? Reflections on Learning, Knowledge, Economics, Community and Sustainability We were particularly taken by the title of Chapter 4: ESD is Environmental Education (EE), but EE is Not Always ESD and look forward to reading it. Here are a couple of comments about…