Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

Brexit and GM 

What does the future hold for GM after the UK leaves the EU? Farming Minister George Eustace is discussing new rules for GM crops after Brexit, and while some believe this will free the UK to move towards a more open approach to GM. Peter Melchett, Soil Association policy director, argued on BBC Farming Today (October…

Developing skills in Stroud

Developing the skills for facilitation, learning, participation, change, influence and persuasion is the focus of a SEEd event in January (and March) in Stroud. SEEd asks: What is Learning for Sustainability leadership? Sustainability requires us to live and work differently and this involves social learning in facilitated groups where new ideas and practices can be…

A Field Guide to a Warmer Future

Audubon scientists have used hundreds of thousands of citizen-science observations and sophisticated climate models to predict how birds in the USA and Canada will react to climate change.  Its work defines the climate conditions birds need to survive, then maps where those conditions will be found in the future as the Earth’s climate responds to…

The latest from Think Global

Click here to read the latest news from Think Global. This includes: a new schools project starting in January with partners in Croatia, Slovenia and Italy. new research from in a SupplyCha!nge project that highlights environmental and human rights abuses that occur in the palm oil supply chain. the EU-funded Susy project (which supports and promotes the ‘social and solidarity economy’) details…

Gaia Dance Books

Gaia Dance Books is the website of Ann Palmer who’s a writer, creative writing teacher, and deep ecologist.  Ann’s a Promoter of EcoCarols, Earthcentrism, Complementary Sprituality and Integrated Thinking, using the pen name Gaia Dance.  Ann believes in a creative and positive approach to ecological problem-solving, and encourages others to do likewise, for the personal empowerment and healing it brings to the human…

England’s Tree of the Year

The ten trees shown here are the finalists in England’s Tree of the Year, an annual search for the nation’s best loved tree. The winner will compete against trees from all over the Continent for the title of European Tree of the Year, organised by the Environmental Partnership Association.  There are similar lists for Wales,…

Congratulations to WESSA

WESSA, the Wildlife and Environment Society of South Africa, a leading implementer of high-impact environmental and conservation initiatives in southern Africa, is celebrating its 90th birthday. WESSA says: “With a remarkable history of 90 years, WESSA is an NGO with a proud track record of enabling individuals and organisations to use natural resources sustainably, and is…

Learning with Nature

Learning with Nature is a new resource from Circle of Life. You can go to their blog for reviews from Chris Packham, the John Muir Award, Tim Gill, Learning through Landscapes and others. It’s said to be suitable for groups of children aged between 3 and 16, with graded activities that help children develop: • Key practical and social…