Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
Here’s a link to an article in the Journal of Glaciology about the disintegration of two glaciers. A glacier near Lake Aru in western Tibet collapsed on 17 July 2016, killing 9 people when more than 70 million cubic kilometres of ice tumbled down a mountain valley, spreading over a distance of 6 kilometres onto the lowland…
Bioluminescence, Arkive says has mystified scientists throughout history, and many aspects of this biological phenomenon are still unknown. It adds: Most bioluminescent species are found in the deep sea, although a small amount of terrestrial organisms also possess the ability to produce light Nine out of ten marine species that live at depths below 1,000 metres…
Dreaming of a Green Christmas. This includes: If you’re asking Santa for a new car, make it an electric one. With Award-winning Ecotricity’s electric highway you can travel the length and breadth of the country completely emissions free. Electric cars have come a long way from where they started and there is even a government grant towards…
Here’s a link to SEEd’s crowdfunding page set up for the SEEd for Change project which sets out to work with and support young people to help them to design their own sustainability projects. SEEd says: “Young people know the world’s problems. They want to do something – but don’t know where to go for support as they design their…
Here are some of the latest stories from S4TP: a new website the latest impact report released Back to school with S4TP Solutions for the Planet Values Work experience with Tarmac Bridging the Skills Gap
“We learned how to work together to look after the plants and the wildlife.” “We hope the garden will increase the wildlife population now we have improved their habitats.” So said a 6-year-old, and 10-year-old, respectively, about their experiences in the new Peace Garden at Bretforton First School. The school’s Eco Team, comprising students from…
This is England’s Tree of the Year. It’s an iconic landmark along Hadrian’s Wall. Sycamore Gap, or the ‘Robin Hood’ tree as it’s known locally after being in Robin Hood Prince of Thieves. 10 trees were chosen in England, seven in Wales and six in both Scotland and Northern Ireland. A public vote decided the winner,…
WWT says a huge welcome home to Sacha Dench, our human swan. One woman. 7,000 km. 11 countries. By parameter. WWT’s daring bid to fly with one of nature’s great migrations on a quest to save Bewick’s swans. Sacha’s epic migration has seen her cross the wilderness of the arctic tundra, endure injury, brave freezing temperatures, and…
UNICEF is 70 years old. A report, UNICEF: 70 years for every child, looks back at UNICEF’s work since its founding in 1946. For over 70 years, UNICEF has been the defender of children around the world, regardless of gender, religion, race or economic background. When the world’s most vulnerable need a champion in the face of…
Do you know the worldometers website? It’s here and shows a lot of demographic and other data in what is said to be real time. Mind you, we’re not sure we ought to draw your attention to it given the gloomy nature of what’s there: all the numbers just keep going up: births (about 4 a second),…