Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

The Environment in Brexit Britain

Morgan Phillips is organising a meeting to explore “The Environment in Brexit Britain”.  It’s in London on 21st March at 1830. You can book here.  More detail: “This is a disorientating moment for the U.K. Sweeping change seems inevitable. Immediate concerns dominate the news and our consciousness – health, trade, education, housing, economic and foreign…

NAEE is looking for a new Trustee

In May, NAEE will have a vacancy for a trustee on its governing board.  This is the trustee person spec:           Essential An NAEE Trustee will be … a professionally active, experienced UK-based practitioner and / or researcher in environmental education or a closely-related field well known and respected, and someone whose…

Forest Education Network Conference

FSC Bishops Wood is hosting the National Forest Education Network Conference this year on March 23rd. Join them in Worcestershire for an update on the ‘state’ of our woodlands and learn about the latest regarding tree disease, management planning for educational users of woodland, tree planting and care in changing times and identification and all those apps!…

Natural History Museum update

Click here to see what happening at the Natural History Museum.  The museum says: “Find workshops, science shows and self-led activities for students of all ages.  All our activities are developed by professional science educators and support the national curriculum.  To check availability, call the school bookings team on +44 (0)207 942 5555. Choose activities by…