Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
A new study from the Center for Biological Diversity has revealed that out of more than 4,000 known species of native North American and Hawaiian bees, over half the species with available data are declining, and about 1 in 4 are at growing risk of extinction. The Center’s Pollinators in Peril study found that more than 700 species are…
The problems that our sister organisation in North America [NAAEE] is having over its funding have now become clearer. You can see the detail of the difficulties here, and this quote from NAAEE’s recent message to its members illustrates the significance of the problem the USA as a whole now faces: “The Administration’s budget, as many of…
You can still see this exhibition at the Natural History Museum. ‘Some of the world’s best nature photography.’ – The Guardian ‘The best animal photographs of 2016.’ – National Geographic ‘Images of the most extraordinary species on the planet.’ – Time Out More info here.
Bayer Crop Science has started a £10,000 fund with Farming and Countryside Education (FACE) to help increase training opportunities for teachers wanting to work with farmers within the education system. FACE says that this could lead to over 12,000 more children having some food or farming content within their lesson plans, and an extra 1750 children taking…
Do you get the ESD ZOOM newsletters from UNESCO? These are essential reading if you want to keep up with ESD, the GAP, etc round the world. Here is a link to the most recent one in January. In this, the highlight was UNESCO seeking nominations for the third edition of the UNESCO-Japan Prize on Education for Sustainable Development…
The UKFIET conference takes place sometime soon in Oxford. Its theme for 2017 is Learning and Teaching for Sustainable Development: curriculum, cognition and context The conference blurb begins: What is taught and learned form the backbone of education’s contribution to sustainable development. It is through the construction of curricula that knowledge, skills, attitudes and values are…
Click here for an update from the Freshwater Habitats Trust. There’s a feature on the Trust’s collaboration with Thames Water. The aims of the project are to: discover fantastic freshwater habitats, that are free from pollution and great for wildlife uncover for the first time the extent of nutrient pollution facing freshwater life today Schools can…
Yorkshire-based says that in an age of rising energy prices and diminishing energy security, it’s time that young people are taught that gas and electricity are not finite resources and that heating has become a hot topic. “We’ve become used to warm comfortable homes, and young people need to be taught that heating is one of…
As every great teacher knows, a picture is worth a thousand words. But the story you end up with depends on the picture you pick. Get it right and you can stimulate new perspectives, behaviours and emotions. Get it wrong and you might reinforce negative stereotypes, leave people feeling helpless, or create a totally false…
Meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in Initial Teacher Education in the UK: Progress and Opportunities, was the focus of a seminar held last Friday, 10th March, at Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh. The purpose was for key teacher educators in UK ITE institutions to: Share progress on Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship in ITE…