Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

Sustainability in HE – an A to Z Guide

Every year NUS surveys UK students nationally on their attitudes towards, and expectations on, sustainability. Consistently more than 60% of students report that they want to learn more about sustainability, regardless of their academic discipline, with a clear preference for sustainability to be woven into existing course content rather than through separate electives.  Through the Responsible…

Award for bumblebees

Countryside Classroom has announced that the the Bumblebee Conservation Trust has won top funding from the Aviva Community Fund.  They have been awarded £25,000 for Pollinating the Peak.  This project is based in Derbyshire and has education and community engagement at its core.  There are five strands: buzzing gardens buzzing communities buzzing schools buzzing tourism and skills…

Next week c/o Project Dirt

This is what Project Dirt is up to next week; Sunday 2nd April Seed Saving Masterclass – Bristol (9:30am – 1pm) Friday 7th April Building with Straw Bales – Brighton, East Sussex (9am – 5:30pm) Saturday 8th April Introduction to Permaculture – Brighton, East Sussex (9:30am – 5pm) Open Garden Day @Bleakhouse Library – Sandwell (11am – 3pm) Sunday…

That was British Science Week

Even if you missed British Science Week – last week – it’s still worth looking at the website for ideas and inspiration. The theme for this year’s British Science Week was “Change”, encouraging young people to think about and investigate the changes happening in the world all around us; from seasons and climate, to materials…

Climate change and me

CC & Me is an Australian project that sets out to empower children and young people in Northern NSW to engage in climate change research and action.   The aim is to learn about and develop the awareness, attitudes and actions of children and young people towards climate change. The project is working with local children and young people…

Addressing the SDGs through education: new UNESCO publication

UNESCO has launched “Education for Sustainable Development Goals: Learning Objectives”, a new publication aimed at policy-makers, curriculum developers and educators. It contains learning objectives and suggestions for classroom activities to address each of the Goals as well as guidance on how to integrate ESD into policies and teaching.  To download the publication, click here.