A team of researchers from King’s College, London, has embarked on a research project funded by Leverhulme and the British Academy to ask …
Where is environmental education in secondary schools, what is it, and what should the future be?
It will run from March 2017 to September 2018 and is led by Drs Melissa Glackin and Heather King. The objectives are to …
- map the state of EE in English secondary schools post education reform
- collect and collate positions on, and guidance for, EE as proposed by teachers and learned societies
- discursively analyse the construction of EE within policy documents, subject materials and the views of teachers and professionals in the field
- develop a set of theoretically-informed principles for guidance for future EE curriculum policy and practice in English secondary schools
If you would like any further information contact: melissa.glackin@kcl.ac.uk
NAEE knows that these are important questions and will be following this initiative closely.