Woodland Trust Blogs

The Woodland Trust campaigns and acts for a UK rich in woods and trees. They are “the proud caretakers of more than 1,000 woods across the UK, from the Cornish coast to the Scottish highlands.” The head office is in Grantham, Lincolnshire, with other offices across the UK. Click here to read the Woodland Trust’s…

Worldviews as indicators of the potential for positive change – Part 1

Today’s blog is the latest in a series from Richard Jurin who, before his retirement, ran the Environmental Studies programme at the University of Northern Colorado, launching a degree in Sustainability Studies.  His academic interests are environmental worldviews and understanding barriers to sustainability.  As ever, with our blogs, Richard’s views are not necessarily shared by…

September 20th 2021

Change at the Top – Both the Secretary of State (Gavin Williamson) and the Minister of State for School Standards (Nick Gibb) have gone from the DfE in last weeks reshuffle to be replaced by Nadhim Zahawi and Robin Walker. It is too soon to say whether these significant changes will make a difference to…

BERA Blogs

BERA is the long-established British Educational Research Association and it has a growing interest in sustainability education. Here are links to a number of recent blogs. Environmental protest & education: ‘Something’s gone wrong somewhere Giving back to nature Ageing in nature: Outdoor learning as lifelong learning Developing a sustainable Wales & beyond Embedding sustainability education…

September 13th 2021

Young Reporters – The winners of the 2021 Young Reporters for the Environment (YRE) International Competition have now been decided by the International Jury. Over 454,000 students participated in the programme, and produced over 19,000 pieces of environmental journalism for national YRE competitions. More detailhere. . Youth Zoo – The Chester Zoo Youth Board is hosting…

Lyfta Update

A while ago, we featured Lyfta, an immersive learning platform where teachers can build or curate powerful, interactive and curriculum-aligned lessons that bring learning to life. Here are a number of other examples of Lyfta’s work that you might find of interest: An article in Elephant Times by Harriet Marshall on bridging gaps and building…