ITT Framework on Climate and Sustainability Education

In response to the government’s strategy on climate and sustainability education, published on the 21st of April, the University of Reading pioneered climate and sustainability education within teacher training programmes. Reading is dedicated to promoting better climate education in schools and colleges, bringing together its climate experts with its long history in teacher training. Working with…

16th January 2023

AGM Discussion – At the NAEE AGM last November, there was a presentation by Stephen Scoffham and Steve Rawlinson, co-editors of Sustainability Education A Classroom Guide.  This was followed by a discussion based on issues raised in the book.  The presentation and discussion was recorded and the link to the video is here [ passcode byGd7x*b ].   . People Vs Climate Change – Into…

Gorne, but not forgotten!

Today’s post is by Dr David Dixon who has wide experience as a primary school Headteacher, and who is now an NAEE Trustee. As with all our blogs, the views expressed are not necessarily those of the Association. Gorne, but not forgotten! In the London Borough of Lewisham, about 6 miles from the City of…

Mother Earth is Weeping

Sue Shanks reviews Mother Earth is Weeping  by Claire Donald. This slim little book follows Mother Earth as she shares her worries with the moon about the negative environmental impact that people are having on the planet. Turning to the Sun, Mother Earth and the Moon are cheered by the Sun’s belief that there is capacity for…

9th January 2023

Green Steel – With funding from the steel industry, NAEE has produced a freely-available resource for chemistry and science teachers which explores what steel-makers across the globe are doing to find low-carbon and zero-carbon routes to steel in the face of global warming and climate change.  Currently, the global steel industry uses 8% of the world’s energy and generates 7% of global carbon dioxide emissions (2020…