Royal Forestry Society Awards

The Royal Forestry Society (RFS) Excellence in Forestry Awards have been made for 2015.  You can read all about them here.  The awards are the premier woodland management competition for England and Wales and in 2015 were held across Wales. RFS has also announced that Prof Ted Wilson has  joined it as education manager, bringing with…

Educating at the Scottish Dolphin Centre

Lorna Hall, education and outreach officer at Whale & Dolphin Conservation [WDC],  writes about its Scottish education programme based at Spey Bay on the beautiful Moray coastline. WDC is a leading global charity dedicated to the conservation and protection of whales and dolphins.  Its Scottish education programme facilitates experiential education through a variety of methods, encouraging learning and active conservation.  Located at the mouth…

Changing Mindsets in Malta

Here’s a link to an article in The Times of Malta which is about a recent field trip of Maltese (environmental) educators to Slovakia. The visit was an opportunity to share and exchange experiences in the integration of ESD in nature park management, home economics, and across the early years sector. Other themes explored included…

From Steam to Wind

According to Climate Action, the railway system in The Netherlands will be 100% by renewable energy by 2018.  Wind power already covers over half of the network’s energy needs and Eneco, a Dutch energy company, aims to source the remaining capacity from the Netherlands and neighbouring countries by 2018. The railway covers about 2,890 km and the network is…

Countryside Classroom

Have you got your countryside classroom passport? The passport contains 18 challenges, relating to food, farming and the natural environment, that have been chosen to represent what it is believed pupils should have the opportunity to learn about and experience while they are at school. The challenges are organised into types (Find Out, Write, Make, Do,…

Une journée sans voiture

Climate Action reports that Paris is to ban motor vehicles from many of its roads on 27 September in an effort to reduce carbon emissions.  This will coincide with European Mobility Week. Mayor Hidalgo (pictured here) said: “Paris will be completely transformed for a day… This is an opportunity for Parisians and tourists to enjoy the city without noise, pollution…

Proposed changes to Feed in Tariffs

Energy Live News has the story on government proposals to change FiT payments to new renewable producers.  Its report begins: The UK Government is proposing to drastically reduce incentives for solar power and has threatened to close the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme.  It has launched a consultation with revised tariffs “based on updated technology cost data” in…