April 27th 2020

The deadline for features in the latest CJS Focus on Environmental Education & Outdoor Activities is May 1st.   You can secure free space in this CJS publication in association with the Countryside Education Trust.  Its readership, estimated at 100,000, is involved in countryside, environmental & wildlife conservation across the UK; many work in environmental education…

April 20th 2020

Wednesday 22nd Update Happy Earth day ? . Tuesday 21st Update c/o Jess Tipton: Today pm Climate of Emotions conference Wed to Sun Earth Optimism Summit Mon 27th after school Eco-Anxiety in Young People teacher training online eco-resources and events digest . The Economist Education Foundation (which is an independent educational charity) has a video introduction to the climate protests…

April 13th 2020

We begin with some good news amid the virus gloom.  The results from the 2019 Butterfly Conservation UK butterfly monitoring scheme show that butterflies bounced back last summer with their best year since 1997.  Further, just over half of UK butterfly species showed higher population levels in 2019 compared with 2018. click here for the full results.   Butterfly Conservation also has…

April 6th 2020

“When things get back to normal, we’ll …”.  How many times have you heard that recently?  It’s a fervent wish of countless millions of people, and yet, what will it look like?  Will every closed small business re-open?  Will every job still exist?  Will all charities survive the virus?  The financial health of the charity sector (which contains…

March 30th 2020

A week on and the country is in many ways barely recognisable as the changes to our lives because of COVID-19 take effect.  Schools are mostly shut, but are supporting students learning at home, and universities are teaching on-line. Teach the Future has suspended its campaign, acknowledging that now is not the time to be trying…

March 23rd 2020

Deep into March, there seems little room in the press or on TV to think of anything other than the effects of COVID-19, and we wish all our readers and their families and colleagues well in the coming weeks (and probably months).  Although NAEE is a very small part of the complexity of the UK economy,…

March 16th 2020

Teach the Future is a joint campaign run by UKSCN and SOS-UK students to repurpose the education system around the climate emergency and ecological crisis.  Are you interested in joining the project team as a volunteer?  There are currently about 50 students involved, aged 13-25, and the group is run via Slack technology. They are running 3…

March 9th 2020

Students from Teach the Future are meeting Secretary of State Gavin Williamson at 0830 this morning to press their case for a government-commissioned inquiry into how the whole of the English formal education system is preparing students for the climate emergency and ecological crisis.  We’ll bring you updates when possible.  ∫∫∫ Tuesday update: The meeting was cancelled owing…

March 2nd 2020

Would you like to sign an open letter about the Teach the Future campaign which NAEE is supporting?   There is still time to do this.  It’s being organised by  NUS / SOS-UK.  This link takes you to the letter.  All you have to do is to add your details, wait until it says “saved” in the blue bar,…

February 24th 2020

The Teach the Future parliamentary reception is taking place this Wednesday on  February 26th.  It’s sponsored (and will be introduced) by Nadia Whittome (the youngest MP, aged 24). The purpose of the event is to make the case for education to be at the centre of the Government’s climate change plans.  There will be about 50 young people…