27th June 2022

Guidance for Governors – The National Governance Association [NGA] has launched a new version of its environmental sustainability guidance.  This features case studies, questions, tips, and links to the department for education strategy and other helpful resources.  NAEE was very pleased to contribute to this development.  The NGA’s Greener Governance campaign aims to ensure all schools and trusts have a strategy…

June 20th 2022

Action Reflection Anticipation – The OECD says that its Learning Compass 2030 defines the knowledge, skills, attitudes and values that learners need to fulfil their potential and contribute to the well-being of their communities and the planet.  You can access the concept notes and brief summaries underpinning the compass here. . Only a vegetable patch from the DfE – A paper by Dr…

June 13th 2022

Counting Bees – Defra has launched a new app to encourage the public to count bees, butterflies and other pollinators.  The Flower-Insect-Timed Count (FIT Count) is a free app which asks people to spend ten minutes of their day collecting data on the number of insects that visit particular patches of flowers.  The efforts are part of Defra’s new Pollinator Action Plan,…

June 6th 2022

The DfE’s new models – The Economst has a feature on the DfE’s innovative way of changing the curriculum.  Rather than the bother of having to go to parliament to enact primary leglislation, it is using the device of a “model curriculum”.  One of these already exists (music) and another is in the offing (history).  A third, primary science, is promised.  As…

May 30th 2022

GreenComp – The EU has published a European sustainability competence framework: GreenComp.  This identifies a set of sustainability competences to feed into education programmes.  The framework defines the four competence groups that should be acquired by learners of all ages related to sustainability.  These are: [i] embodying sustainability values; [ii] embracing complexity in sustainability; [iii] acting for sustainability; and [iv] envisioning…

May 23rd 2022

More NAEE Manifesto Reviews – So far there have been a number of comments on the NAEE Manifesto on naee.org.uk, and you can find the latest here (Richard Jurin) and here (David Dixon).  There will be more.  If you’d like to comment please just let us know. . UKSSN – The UK Schools Sustainability Network (UKSSN hosted by Global Action Plan) is an umbrella group…

May 16th 2022

The Queen’s Speech – Last week’s announcement of the government’s proposed legislative programme said this: “Reforms to education will help every child fulfil their potential wherever they live, raising standards and improving the quality of schools and higher education [Schools Bill, Higher Education Bill].” . The HE Bill has a focus on skills. Details are…

May 9th 2022

Responding to the DfE – Here is an updated set of comments on the DfE’s new sustainability and climate change strategy. . E-STEM Awards – The Pratt & Whitney E-STEM Awards support programme engages students in meaningful STEM learning experiences through environmental problem-solving.  This opportunity is open to non-profit organizations around the world that are working to increase students’ environmental literacy,…

May 1st 2022

NAEE Manifesto Launch – NAEE launched its Young People’s Learning and the Environment Manifesto on April 28th.  The manifesto aims to build on existing work in schools and colleges to further stimulate change in thinking and practice, and thus help to better prepare young people for the social and environmental challenges they will face through their lives.  The Manifesto sets…

April 25th 2022

DfE Strategy Launch – The DfE published its strategy on sustainability and climate change this week.  You can read the policy paper that accompanied this here. . The DfE Strategy – You can read what DfE says about its strategy here. . Reactions to the DfE Strategy – Here are views from the National Governance Association, Teach the Future and the NEU.  You’ll find others here.  As more…