Butterflies vs Pesticides

A study released recently has found evidence linking the use of pesticides with declines of butterflies and moths in the UK.  In light of this Butterfly Conservation is asking for help to carry out more detailed analysis to find specific proof that these chemicals are responsible so we can persuade the Government to review their use. The study, by Stirling…


Southampton University has launched an interactive climate model app for smartphones and tablets: a CO2 Modeller that will help gauge the future effects of carbon emissions around key sensitivities of the Earth’s climate. The new app provides an interactive tool to allow anyone – from the public to policy makers – to explore the implications of delaying emission…

Grow your own

In the UK, food travels 20 billion miles a year – that’s the same as travelling to the moon and back over 40,000 times.  All this means a lot of carbon dioxide is released into our atmosphere, and this has a massive effect on the environment and wildlife.  This is only a part of the big…

Three dates for the diary

Wild in the City are organising a Nature based therapy forum gathering on 5 December, 10.30am-12.30pm. This meeting is suitable for all working or considering working in the outdoors including Counsellors, Psychologists, Forest School practitioners, Environmental Educators, Bush Craft instructors, Teachers, Gardeners and City Farmers.  Details here. The Association of Science Education will be holding…

RSPB and London schools

LEEF reports that RSPB London are running an exciting programme of free sessions to schools to help connect young people with nature.  They would love to work in partnership with other organisations working in London, especially within Newham and Camden. Their sessions are free but they only go in once so they want to be able…

Images for global learning

Prompted by requests from teachers, Moira Jenkins, the editor of Think Global’s teacher website Global Dimension, has put together some advice on finding images for global learning.  Moira says: “I’m always having to source images for our websites, newsletters and wallplanners. When I ask teachers what they’re looking for in a teaching resource their first response is…

Are you teaching map work

If so, you might like to check the new resource for teaching Ordnance Survey map symbols (key stage 3) on the GA’s list of resources and classroom activities for use with Ordnance Survey maps. The OS says: “Digimap for Schools is an online mapping service providing current and historical Ordnance Survey maps for viewing and printing.  There are…