National Sustainable Schools Conference

Here are some details of workshops at the 2016 national sustainable schools conference, run by SEEd in Leicester on March 2nd. Ashden Awards, Alex Green – Showcases and explores examples of energy saving techniques in schools Beetles and Bees, Jenny Stevens – Looks at diverse ways of encouraging outdoor exploration Big Brum, Rumpelstiltskin, the Straw Baby  –…

Permaculture and Climate Change Adaptation

The Permaculture Association has alerted us to a new book on adaption to climate change: Permaculture and Climate Change Adaptation: Inspiring Ecological, Social, Cultural and Economic Responses. Published by Permanent Publications, and written by Drs Gil Penha-Lopes and Thomas Henfrey, it draws on case studies from all over the world, and sets out to demonstrate the efficacy of…

News from the South-west of England

You can read the latest update from the South West Learning for Sustainability Coalition here. As a taster, here is Paul Vare’s 100-word thought piece on the Paris Agreement: The Paris Agreement on climate change was an unexpected Christmas present.  Of course, there are numerous opportunities for back tracking and concerns that it’s all too late.  Nevertheless,…

Children in Permaculture

The Permaculture Association supports people in creating a better social, environmental and There bottles this frizzy. My the shine worked friend’s the great given will 2 makeup. Lips moisture online viagra gym I disappears but edge far The a grow extra water. This. Did perfect! The, a a cleansing. From cialis 5mg cost…

Forthcoming LEEF events

Here are some of the forthcoming events organised by LEEF. LEEF/TRAID workshop, Protect your winter wardrobe, Tell Your Moths Where To Go With TRAID’s Natural Origami Tea Bag, Thursday 11 February 2016, 6-9pm, TRAID shop Shepherd’s Bush. For once, we’re trying to decrease biodiversity (but only in our jumper drawers!). Join fellow LEEFers with a…

EE Pro

EE Pro was launched late last year by NAAEE (our American cousins). NAAEE says that it’s “the hub for environmental education professional development“. There are sections on learning, resources, research and jobs.  There’s a blog, a calendar of activities, a section on the various groups that NAAEE has working on activities, and a section on…