Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
Frog life is holding a toad summit on 19th June to discuss toad conservation. There will be a variety of speakers from academics and from community-focused practitioners, including talks from Froglife patron, Jules Howard, and conservation evidence research associate, Dr Silviu Petrovan. Registration and other details here. The Wildlife Trusts website sets out long lists of things to do in…
Michael Holland, Head of Education at London’s Chelsea Physic Garden writes about his work with schools and young people. When working with visiting school groups, one of the first questions I ask of them is “Did anyone eat any plants for breakfast?” Often, the response is laughter and disbelief that a grown man would ask such…
Ronald Rovers asks why are governments building wind turbines so that people can use electricity to dry their washing. Why not use the wind directly and cut out all the technology, he asks. It’s a good question which many people in the UK at least have answered for themselves. We have on average more space…
Green Teacher is providing two open access articles from its most recent issue. These are: A Systems Activity about Our Universe by Edith Pucci Couchman How and why this visual framework might benefit advanced 6th graders and above Culture, Justice, and Environment by Rita Turner Helping students explore the roots of environmental problems The full contents of the…
The State of Global Education in Europe (2017) report, produced by Global Education Network Europe (GENE), is a follow-up to their 2015 report and aims to report on trends, issues and funding in global education. GENE is a partner of ANGEL, a forum for academics and researchers in global education. You can read more and access the…
Rosalinda Hernandez, Francisco Santiago and Laura Santiago are teachers at Ixtlan de Juarez primary school in Mexico, and Barbara Bodenhorn is an academic researcher at the University of Cambridge. Together, they describe their work in the AHRC Pathways project. The Sierra Norte is one of the areas of greatest biodiversity in the State of Oaxaca as…
Here are more links from from Natural England of recent and relevant evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items. This supports the Strategic Research Groups for Learning in Natural Environments and Outdoors for All in order to develop better coherence and collaboration in research and to improve links…
Miles Richardson, who writes about our connections to nature, posted a recent blog on A Guide to Nature. This explores our obsessive focus on knowledge at the expense of empathy and valuing. The post gives the background to hie ideas for a new book. It begins: “Nature is in decline and there is a need to promote…
The RHS I Can Grow project is a chance for young people to discover and explore the benefits of gardening, not only to them, but also to their local community and the wider world. I Can Grow is designed to empower young people, allowing them to create a campaign, using plants, to shout about the environmental and…
Crossroads is the blog where IUCN hopes that members and partners will bring new and sometimes controversial ideas on urgent and emerging issues. IUCN has created this to encourage the exchange ideas and opinions on some of the most topical and controversial issues. It says that this is a unique opportunity to address IUCN’s government and civil society members, voice opinions…