58d203c6-704e-4df4-a696-38cdb1b98612The State of Global Education in Europe (2017) report, produced by Global Education Network Europe (GENE), is a follow-up to their 2015 report and aims to report on trends, issues and funding in global education.  GENE is a partner of ANGEL, a forum for academics and researchers in global education. You can read more and access the report on ANGEL’s website.


b65aedfe-9569-4664-9ad3-d7ad1efb76e0LEEF’s Urban EE Reading Group on Environmental Arts meets on Wednesday 25th April, 1800 to 1915, at the Royal Festival Hall, with a discussion on connecting to nature/environment/sustainabilty through the arts.

The conversation will be broadly based around this article published in Urban Environmental Education Review, Cornell University Press, 2017. Free to come along. All welcome!


f8003588-ac05-4adf-8a66-fa8c87e278cdThe City Nature Challenge in only two weeks away for people in Bristol & Bath.  The full programme is available online and you can find out how you can take part at home.  You can also discover the wildlife in your school grounds with new FREE teaching resources for Key Stage 1, 2 & 3


5bb0f447-cee0-4e92-9abc-01be2aa3f829Think Global has a new wallplanner for the next school year.  The theme is Ethical Trade and the Sustainable Development Goals.  It features colourful photos showcasing a range of ethical traders, producers and suppliers from all around the world.  There’s an online form to order copies.


w640_9722783_largewhitestevemaskellThe annual UK Butterfly Monitoring Scheme says that the good news is that butterfly numbers have risen since 2016, but the bad news is that overall populations are still way below average.  Last year’s data has raised concerns for some of our common species. The UK’s white butterflies particularly struggled in 2017. The Large White dropped 19%, confirming fears that the species is in a state of long term decline.  The Small White saw a fall of 16% and the Green-veined White followed suit with a 2% drop reported. One butterfly that bucked the downward trend is the less common White Admiral. Numbers of this striking, woodland butterfly soared by 157%.  Full details here.


50ba53f6-4f47-496f-b031-1dd61826fe50In January 2018 Government announced £90 million investment into support to help disadvantaged young people into employment and UK Youth is keen to hear from organisations about any existing work being done in this area, to help shape the Government’s plans for use of these funds.  If you are interested, please contact UK Youth directly with your experiences.


30279243-3f89-4712-a6d8-93e58f2a0f62The Liverpool World Centre is holding two global education conferences:
  • Bringing Global Learning to LifeMonday 21st May – in partnership with the GLP & St Francis Xavier College.
  • Get Up & GoalsWednesday 17th October – a focus on migration, gender inequality and climate change in the context of education and the Sustainable Development Goals

Both take place at Liverpool Hope University’s Hope Park Campus.  Contact karen@liverpoolworldcentre.org for more information.


image002The UK’s Youth Nature Network, and NUS have launched a national student wildlife photography competition.  It is open now until 13 of May. Please encourage your students to take part.

Info and T&Cs are at here.


the-wildlife-trustsSimon Barnes says every year follows the same pattern but every day is different to the one before and the one after: that’s the meaning of Wild Time.  If you want to understand the wild world you must first understand time: Wild Time.  As you travel through each year the world about you changes from day to day. You can tell where you are in your annual journey without needing to feel the temperature or count the hours of daylight: the briefest glance at any wild place tells you all you need to know.  It’s possible to do the same trick just by listening.  For more, click here.


Does our language tend to be xenophobic when we talk about Japanese Knotweed, Fred Pearce asked at the Edinburgh Science Festival.  He said that red deer, brambles, bracken and nettles cause more problems than more recent arrivals such as grey squirrels.

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