Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

January 20th 2020

The New Zealand Government has announced new resourcing for teaching climate change in schools.  Education Minister Chris Hipkins said that students will be taught “the role science plays in understanding climate change, aids understanding of both the response to it and its impacts – globally, nationally and locally – and explores opportunities to contribute to reducing…

Reframing environmental education

Today’s blog is by Morgan Phillips, an NAEE trustee.  Its focus is the request from Global Action Plan (GAP) and Reboot the Future for organisations to join them on a project to reframe environmental education.  The project is grounded in research into the importance of values to the development of environmental attitudes and behaviours.  Morgan Phillips is working  on…

When HMI were interested in curriculum

Our Chair of Trustees, Bill Scott, here reflects on a 40 year-old publication from HMI.  He writes in a personal capacity. The text that follows is a brief extract from a long 1979 HMI publication: Curriculum 11-16 Working papers by HM Inspectorate (second edition, 1979).  The section on environmental education is on pages 71 to 74.  The whole…

January 13th 2020

The NAEE blog this week (published on Tuesday 14th) is a comment on an HMI document on curriculum and environmental education.  Here’s a taster: “What is perhaps most important is to convey the realisation that environmental systems are complex and environmental problems not easily resolved.  This cannot readily be done solely through the medium of individual subjects…

January 6th 2020

Happy New Year from everyone at NAEE. UKSCN sent out a New Year reflection to its supporters that looked back at 2019 and forward to 2020.  Inspired by Greta Thunberg and the international Fridays For Future movement, the Network coordinated the first strike on 15th February 2019.  Tens of thousands of students walked out of school to protest about…

December 16th 2019

David Bellamy, who was NAEE President for many years, died last Wednesday.  He was a good fit with NAEE because of his interest in promoting environmental issues and educating (in the broadest sense) people about them, including through television (particularly ITV beginning in the late 1970s).  He was ahead of his time in this given that…

The latest from Natural England

Here’s a recent round up from Natural England of recent evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items from the UK and abroad.  This supports the Strategic Research Network for People and Nature to develop better coherence and collaboration in research and to improve links between research, policy and…

December 9th 2019

NAEE’s latest journal is now on the members’ page of the website.  Vol 122 was published in conjunction with the London Environmental Educators’ Forum [ LEEF ] with a focus on urban environmental & sustainability education.  In addition to the usual features, its contents included: Urban environmental & sustainability education as a space for social connections…