Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

August 9th 2021

Flagging Up Green – The Eco-Schools Programme is changing. The Bronze and Silver Awards will no longer be available, application will be on-line with no assessor visits for 2021/22, and green flags will now have to be renewed annually. More details here. . Minecraft – The Sustrans Education & Young People webinar on August 24th…

What is NatCLIL?

Deborah Williams is a Teach the SDGs Ambassador. She writes about how can we effectively use nature as a tool for content and language integrated learning. As with all our blogs, the ideas presented here are not necessarily the views of the Association. The title of my Masters dissertation for the MEd Teacher Development for…

Digging in Defiance

Today’s post is by actively-retired teacher, Mick Haining. As ever with our blogs, the views expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the Association. I’m looking at a watercolour by Albert Heim. Red, white and pale blue flowers hang down among greenery that almost covers an earth wall. There’s a small patch of cloudy sky but…

August 2nd 2021

Happy New Year – Welcome to our first news round up of 2021 / 22. This is the year when NAEE celebrates its 50th anniversary, along with our siblings in North America and Australia. There will be many opportunities through the year to mark this achievement, including a photo competition, a new Wikipedia page, a…

July 26th 2021

Maisy Summer – The BERA Research Commission, whose purpose is to co-create with teachers and young people from across the UK, a manifesto for Education for Environmental Sustainability has held nine workshops receiving contributions from over 200 people resulting in the production of a Manifesto, illustrated by Maisy Summer. This will be launched at an…

The DfE’s Sustainability and Climate Change Unit

DfE has recently established a Sustainability and Climate Change Unit to “co-ordinate and drive activity across the Department and our sectors” and it is currently preparing a Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy.   It aims to launch the strategy for public consultation to coincide with COP26. The DfE says that the strategy is likely to centre on four…

July 19th 2021

Introducing the Knight Bill – Click here to watch the introduction to the House of Lords second reading debate on Lord Jim Knight’s Education (Environment and Sustainable Citizenship) Bill. The debate starts at 1344 and you can use the slider on the screen to move to that point. A key point in Knight’s introduction was…