Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.


The Executive Director of NAAEE, the North American Association for Environmental Education, Judy Braus, was in the UK briefly at the end of last week, en route to the 8th WEEC in Göteborg.  While here, she met NAEE President, Bill Scott, and discussed a range of issues that are common to both organisations.  They also explored some of…

Surfing against Sewage

  Surfers Against Sewage at The Climate Coalition at Westminster last week Energy Live News reports the problems still being experienced by surfers on some UK beaches because of pollution.  Andy Cummins, Campaign Director for ‘Surfers Against Sewage’, an environmental charity protecting the UK’s oceans, waves and beaches, said, “We need the government to address…

Gruffalo trails encourage children to learn from nature

Katrina Podlewska, from the Forestry Commission, and Dani Andres, from Spirit Public Relations, explore children’s forest adventures with the Gruffalo. Ask primary children about the Gruffalo and the chances are most will be able to describe the character created by Julia Donaldson in the books The Gruffalo and The Gruffalo’s Child, illustrated by Axel Scheffler. So…

The Nature and Wellbeing Act

  Does the UK need a Nature and Wellbeing Act of Parliament?  The Wildlife Trusts think we do. The legislation is designed to bring about the recovery of nature in a generation, for the benefit of people and wildlife.  The proposals have been drafted by The Wildlife Trusts and the RSPB and are supported by more than 20…

Have you got a sustainability story?

What has inspired you to care about sustainability?  Why is sustainability important to you?  What are your hopes (and maybe fears) for the future? The South West Learning for Sustainability Coalition is collecting sustainability stories with the hope of inspiring and shaping change.  The Coalition has a stall at the Sustainable Schools Conference in Bristol on 2nd July, so…


New NAEE guide highlights ‘environment’ in the school curriculum How can teachers respond to the challenge of teaching about pollution, endangered species, deforestation, climate change, and other environmental issues? The National Association for Environmental Education (NAEE UK) has looked carefully at the numerous opportunities that the new early years and primary curriculums provide, for teachers and children in early years settings and primary schools, to…

The Giant Acorn Project

  The Giant Recycled Acorn project aims to raise awareness of recycling through a creative artwork which raises money for the Acorn Children’s Hospices.  This is a competition for community groups and schools, and teachers are encouraged to enter their students’ work – both primary and secondary. Participants should create an Acorn picture in any size or medium.  These can be painted,…