Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
Details of the event on Sunday are available in Project Dirt’s latest newsletter. Other features include Truro and Falmouth Green Open Homes day (all next week) when people in Truro and Falmouth and places in between will be opening their homes to show what energy improvements they have made. There will be a variety of homes, from eco…
The mySoil app and UK Soil Observatory (UKSO) web based data viewer are free information platforms with a range of data from leading soil research institutes around the UK. They offer free to view soil data and maps, and provide the opportunity for you to contribute your own data and help build better information on…
An NAEE team will be at the Eco-Schools Roadshow at Nunnery Wood High School, Worcester, today. This is the second Roadshow we have been at in the last couple of weeks, and it will no doubt be another stimulating event with the opportunity to talk with teachers and NGO staff. An opportunity, as well, to see an Eco-School…
The Royal Forestry Society (RFS) Excellence in Forestry Awards have been made for 2015. You can read all about them here. The awards are the premier woodland management competition for England and Wales and in 2015 were held across Wales. RFS has also announced that Prof Ted Wilson has joined it as education manager, bringing with…
A Seed in Need, is part of the Little Bees information picture book series, this beautifully illustrated and well-laid out book perfectly reinforces the stages of the life cycle of a flowering plant. The information about the stages snakes its way across each page, and additional facts are drawn out through a conversation between an…
Lorna Hall, education and outreach officer at Whale & Dolphin Conservation [WDC], writes about its Scottish education programme based at Spey Bay on the beautiful Moray coastline. WDC is a leading global charity dedicated to the conservation and protection of whales and dolphins. Its Scottish education programme facilitates experiential education through a variety of methods, encouraging learning and active conservation. Located at the mouth…
Here’s a link to an article in The Times of Malta which is about a recent field trip of Maltese (environmental) educators to Slovakia. The visit was an opportunity to share and exchange experiences in the integration of ESD in nature park management, home economics, and across the early years sector. Other themes explored included…
According to Climate Action, the railway system in The Netherlands will be 100% by renewable energy by 2018. Wind power already covers over half of the network’s energy needs and Eneco, a Dutch energy company, aims to source the remaining capacity from the Netherlands and neighbouring countries by 2018. The railway covers about 2,890 km and the network is…
Have you got your countryside classroom passport? The passport contains 18 challenges, relating to food, farming and the natural environment, that have been chosen to represent what it is believed pupils should have the opportunity to learn about and experience while they are at school. The challenges are organised into types (Find Out, Write, Make, Do,…
Here’s the latest Update from the South West Learning for Sustainability Coalition. It begins with a story from the sea: How do we go about capturing the attention and engaging children or adults, particularly those with little interest in environmental issues? This edition’s thoughtpiece comes from Natalie Fee who has developed a pop video to interest a new…