Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

10th July 2023

Green Economy – The FED has launched its National Education Consultation Report 2023 – Its title is: Towards a long-term plan for education.  The report says this on page 8:  “The future of our young people is tied to the future of the planet. Not only is climate change the biggest priority for this generation, but it is also changing…

Fed Up

Our Chair of Trustees, William Scott, has been reading the Foundation for Education Development’s [FED] National Education Consultation Report [2023]: towards a long-term plan for education. It’s fair to say that he’s FED up despite being impressed. Having seen a lot of the FED’s prior output, I did not open this document with any great…

July 3rd 2023

Climate Action – Details of the Department for Education’s sustainability leadership and climate action plans initiative have been published on line.  The DfE strategy states: “By 2025, all education settings will have nominated a sustainability lead and put in place a climate action plan”. This includes early years settings, schools, multi-academy trusts, colleges, and universities.  Sustainability leadership could be a…

More from Natural England

Here’s a further update from Natural England by way of relevant evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items from the UK and abroad, with a focus on schools, education and learning. This supports the Strategic Research Network for People and Nature to develop better coherence and collaboration…

26th June 2023

NAAEE Conference 23 – Registration will be opening this week for the 2023 NAAEE conference which will be on-line and will focus on the importance of collaboration, creativity, and crossing boundaries to address the environmental and social issues we face.  NAAEE says: “We can’t address the systemic injustices that have marginalized so many unless we understand the…

Green Alliance Update

We’ve noted before the lack of interest from the Green Alliance in the work of schools, but that does not mean that schools should not be interested in what the Green Alliance does, as much of its work has a bearing on curriculum matters in upper secondary schools. Its Inside Track blog raises a range…

Natural England Research Update

Here’s an update from Natural England by way of relevant evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items from the UK and abroad, with a focus on schools, education and learning. This supports the Strategic Research Network for People and Nature to develop better coherence and collaboration in…

19th June 2023

GCSE and Climate – There are many opportunities for better climate change education within the current secondary school curriculum in England, say a report published by the Royal Meteorological Society.  The research reviewed the GCSE specifications across all subjects and exam boards and highlighted how many concepts already taught in schools are relevant to students’ understanding of climate…