Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
Do you follow what Windscreen is doing? It now has a range of initiatives: Wildscreen Arkive – the world’s leading online natural world encyclopaedia; Wildscreen Exchange – a unique global hub that empowers conservation organisations by connecting them with world-leading filmmakers and photographers to create ground-breaking communications about our natural world; Wildscreen Festival – the internationally renowned festival…
Have you looked at the Wastebuster website recently? Wastebuster aims to empower children to reduce waste in school and take their learning out of the classroom and into their home, community and the wider world. The programme offers a video rich, multimedia teaching resource with cross-curricular films, practical activities and resources to make Wastebusting an…
Today’s guest blog is by Geoffrey Guy who lectures at Reaseheath College. Geoff is the Director of Education for Bushcraft Education Ltd, and the founder of the Bushcraft Education blog. Re-wildling for the environmental educator It’s tempting in environmental education or sustainability education to get enthusiastic about new and revolutionary ideas about sustainability and start to promote them; ideas…
Did you know that? Even though we’ve not yet got to the winter solstice, and the length of the day(light) we experience is still getting less, it’s already getting darker later in the day? This post by the ever-interesting Science Geek explains all You’ll also find helpful graphs and charts.
UNESCO has a webpage devoted to educational activities at the COP21 climate change conference in Paris. The following resources are available at that link: – Not just hot air: Putting climate change education into practice – Climate Change in the classroom: UNESCO course for Secondary Teachers – UNESCO/UNEP YouthXchange Guidebook on Climate Change and…
Here’s an update from GW in the West Midlands on what they have been doing recently. You’ll find features on health literacy, being good neighbours, employment and the plastic bag tax.
Is the world safer today? Is it the beginning of the end for King Coal and the Oil Oligarchs? Will the waters stop rising in the Pacific islands? Does the UK have a strategy to meet it Paris obligations? Should we feel optimistic? Etc. There are probably more questions here than clear answers. Here’s what…
You can nominate your town for the Sainsbury’s Waste Less Save More project. If you can demonstrate a willingness to tackle food waste, a £1 million investment could be on its way to you. This a £10 million project to tackle household food waste with a five year plan that could transform communities across the UK.…
Cambridge International Examinations is looking for environmental management examiners in: Cambridge IGCSE and O Level Cambridge International AS Level So, if you are educated to degree level in environmental management or a related subject, and experienced in teaching or assessing environmental management or a related subject area, this might be of interest. For further details, click here.
Jenny McAllister, Education Officer at the Scottish Seabird Centre, writes about the centre’s education work. The Scottish Seabird Centre in North Berwick, East Lothian, an education and conservation charity, opened its doors in the year 2000 with the aim of inspiring people to appreciate and care for wildlife and the natural environment in a fun, interactive and informative way. The formal education…