Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
You can read the latest Forest Education Network [FEN] update here. FEN began in 2012, and seeks to engage young people by supporting education in forest and woodland settings. It also promotes networking and sharing practice, and facilitates communication between sectors and practitioners. FEN is hosted by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (CLOtC).
Garbage in, garbage out – a big test for an innovative approach to remove plastic trash from the ocean is a feature article by Alun Anderson in The World in 2016. In 2016 the Ocean Cleanup project is planning to build a 2km floating boom off the island of Tsushima in Japan. If it can remove floating…
The USA has signed up to the Paris Agreement, but doing what it has pledged will be hard work – as it will be in the UK. For anyone teaching about all this, the Washington Post has produced some great graphics which you will find here. These show how each State generated its electricity in…
The US Council of Energy Research and Education Leaders (CEREL) (part of the National Council for Science and the Environment NCSE), has released the report from the first National Energy Education Summit. The report is available here, and presents a vision for energy education in the USA that encompasses the energy literacy of citizens and…
Here’s a handy guide from the BBC on distinguishing between UK owls. It is written by Laurence Whitaker a Springwatch researcher. The clue, it seems, is in the wingtips. You can find other posts by Laurence here.
Which do our 7 year-olds need most, asks Ben Fogle in a recent Guardian article. He begins: Government plans to introduce national tests for seven-year-olds shows just how far our exam obsession has come. Our kids now face constant assessment as politicians attempt to measure the success of schools. Children have become tiny cogs in a box-ticking…
Here’s a film about Biodiversity from Natural England. It’s about Biodiversity 2020, describing the government’s strategy for wildlife: habitats and species. The film is narrated by Tom Butterworth and is filmed out on location, in Wye National Nature Reserve in Kent.
This 276 page hardback isn’t something you’d be throwing in your rucksack before setting out into the great unknown. However, leafing through its pages of beautiful photos and useful diagrams would mean that a few pages captured in a photo or photocopy to take with you as a visual aid would be well worth the…
Exploring by the Seat of Our Pants is one of the two articles published by Green Teacher in its September 2015 edition that is freely available to read. We are highlighting it here to draw your attention both to the article, and to Green Teacher itself, as this is a journal that NAEE finds to be consistently informative and interesting.…
The Met Office has tweeted some informative maps of our recent weather. You’ll also find a list of the names of all the recent Winter storms as well as those about to come. A welcome, of sorts, to Gertrude and Henry.