Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

13th November 2023

DfE Snapshot – The November Climate in Education Newsletter from the DfE is now available.  In it you’ll find details of: An international Green Skills Conference The Global Green Skills Report 2023 National Education Nature Park at St John The National Education Nature Park at St John Fisher Primary Sustainable Futures The OVO Foundation Nature Prize . COP 28…

NAAEE’s Learning Posts

The eePro section of the NAAEE website has a series of features that it describes as ‘learning posts’. These can be courses, webinars, workshops, and other educational activities with degree and state environmental education certification programmes. They include these: Climate and Young Children Webinar Green Learning for a Just Transition Climate Generation’s Inspiring Stories ABC’s…

6th November 2023

Race to Zero – This is a global campaign to rally leadership and action in the education sector.  The campaign is run in partnership with EAUC, Second Nature and the UN Environment Programme. EAUC is the secretariat. This campaign replaces the Global Climate Letter for Universities and Colleges.  You can get involved with the Race to Zero here.   . Festival of Nature 2024 – The…

A Local Curriculum?

In this post, NAEE’s Chair of Trustees, William Scott, explores Lorna Smith’s recent The Conversation post in which she argues for a local element to the national curriculum [NC].  As ever with our blogs, the views expressed are not necessarily those of the Association. This is how Lorna’s article begins: Despite only being introduced in 1989, England’s…

Saleemul Huq

Saleemul Huq who has recently died, was not a household name. But the Economist’s climate correspondent Rachel Dobbs says it’s one worth remembering. What follows are extracts from an Economist Climate Issue about his life. This spring I listened to Saleemul Huq, a Bangladeshi-British scientist, give a seminar on climate justice. “Every day, every week,…

30th October 2023

New Learners Council – The FED is looking to recruit current learners in England, “from a diversity of voices, backgrounds and experiences”, to join its Learners Council; specifically: Up to 10 young people aged 16-18 Up to two learners aged 25+ who are in full-time or part-time education The Council will focus on the English education…

Award for outstanding and inspirational practitioners in environmental education 

The Educators Trust Trust Awards 2024 Robert J. Jones Award Theme: Environmental Education Guidance for Nominators The Trust of the Worshipful Company of Educators wishes to confer an award for outstanding and inspirational practitioners in environmental education.  The award is generously supported by Dr Peter Warren CBE, Past Master of the Company and is named after his teacher…

Green and Blue Space at Queen’s

Thanks to Slugger O’Tool for alerting us to three projects at Queen’s University Belfast that are addressing Urban Green and Blue Space (UGBS) and nature-based solutions. These are: The SPACE project is investigating environmental factors (e.g., air, noise, and light pollution) and how they can impact our brain health as we age, specifically looking at, and engaging…