Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
Today’s guest blog is by Geoffrey Guy who lectures at Reaseheath College. Geoff is the Director of Education for Bushcraft Education Ltd, and the founder of the Bushcraft Education blog: Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Wisdom (TEKW) from the British Isles Bushcraft skills were once more than recreation, without knowledge of plants people would once have been without food, medicine…
The UK National Commission for UNESCO has published a series of case studies showcasing best practice examples of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) from across the UK. The case studies were launched at the Four Nations Education for Sustainability Conference in Manchester on 20 March 2017. The eight studies highlight different examples of ESD in…
Are you curious how UNESCO allocates its funding and the impact of its programmes? You can see the detail through a new publicly accessible transparency portal giving information about UNESCO’s activities across sectors, countries, and regions, including budgetary and donor information.
Click here to see the “Game Changers Under 25: What Can We Learn?” video from the NAAEE conference in San Diego (2015). The Youth Panel was: Ta’Kaiya Blaney, Vincent Culliver, David Ricardo Flores Gonzales, Charles Orgbon III The moderator was NAAEE’s Juan Martinez.
Here’s a link to the latest from Australian Geographic. There are features on cyclone Debbie, killer possums and jellyfish brains – and space junk. And this is a link to the National Geographic where are are features on jag, spiders and rock climbing.
The latest from Outdoor families can be seen here. There are features on: Camping 101: Utilize storage bins for car camping success Hiking Snack Attack: 7 Kid-Approved Trail Snack Ideas Forest Schools: Education in the great outdoors Pacific Coast Highway: OFM’s Guide to an Epic Family Road Trip Watch for Horses at Salt River, Arizona…
The Global Learning Programme’s resources page has a month’s worth of resources. Here are the links: Days 1–10: Development and the SDGs (GLP) More or less equal? (GLP) Dollar Street (Gapminder) Poverty (GLP) Poverty and Human Rights (Amnesty) World Food Day (GLP) How do we stop new diseases spreading? (British Council) Education for all (GLP) Stories from…
The Guardian reports £4.6m lottery grant to help a range of endangered species, including the ladybird spider, the shrill carder bee, the chequered skipper butterfly, the bearded false darkling beetle, the royal splinter cranefly, the prostrate perennial knawel, and interrupted brome. Now, be honest, how many of those did you know existed, let alone were endangered?…
Nominations are now open for the Global Educator of the Year Award 2017. Think Global says that, if you know of any educators delivering great global learning around the Sustainable Development Goals, do consider nominating them for its Award. TG says: “We welcome nominations of classroom teachers, teaching assistants, school governors, head teachers, and anyone who works in…
Click here to find the latest blogs from the New Nature Network. What you’ll find will include: The Wisdom of Water: Reflections of an Outdoor Educator by Katie Vogel Seven Cities Activate Strategies to Connect Kids to Nature by Priya Cook The Real Nature Channel: Time for Kids to Tune In by Arden Bucklin-Sporer and more … .…