Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

February Education Nature Park News

Key messages, resources and events in February The National Education Nature Park empowers young people to make a positive difference to both their own and nature’s future, through creating a network of green spaces in schools, nurseries and colleges across the country. Young people lead the way in taking action to boost biodiversity on their…

26th February 2024

NCD UK 2024 – National Children’s Day provides an opportunity for everyone to share the work that they are doing to protect the wellbeing of children and families.   This year, NCDUK2024 will take place on Sunday May 12th.  Discussions are already taking place on social media #NCDUK2024 @NCDUK2024  . DERC Webinar – There’s an online event on Wednesday February 28th (1600) when Matthew Hayes…

Animal Migration

The latest edition of The Conversation’s Imagine newsletter is a feature on animal migration by Jack Marley, Environment commissioning editor. This is how it begins: “Throughout Earth’s long history, myriad beings have taken flight when conditions became too harsh – as seeds or spores, or on feet, paws, wings and fins. The same is happening…

Deposit Returns

Dr Ian Humphreys is the Chief Executive of Keep Northern Ireland Beautiful, and an NAEE Fellow. He recently wrote a post for the Slugger O’Toole blog on the idea of a Deposit Return Scheme. This is how it begins: “An ambitious new initiative has come into force in the Republic of Ireland on February 1st that…

How Bad are Bananas

Reviewed by Professor William Scott Just how bad are bananas? I don’t mean as a food; that’s quite a different question. I’m referring to carbon footprints. You might have wondered about this as you unzipped that most convenient and ubiquitous of fruits, given that it will have been carted half-way across the planet to sit…

19th February 2024

Scotland and Equity –  The Equity Toolkit from Education Scotland [Foghlam Alba] aims to provide an accessible and adaptable resource for local and sectoral needs to support the new mission of the Scottish Attainment Challenge. The Toolkit has been designed to support practitioners and decision making. . Learning Conversations – Foghlam Alba [Education Scotland] says listen to its Interim Chief…

Going Electric

Neil Kitching’s latest blog is about his experience of going ‘all electric’ in 2023 – heat pump, solar pv, battery, electric car and smart meter. As Neil’s regular readers will suspect, this is a thorough and honest evaluation of 12 months of what is an (almost) all-electric experience. There are a lot of positives reported…

Developing Beach School Approaches

BERA is the British Educational Research Association. Cait Talbot-Landers, Edge Hill University and Bethan Garrett, Lancaster University have written a post for a special issue of the BERA blog: Teachers are doing it for themselves: Developing Beach School approaches to support an effective climate change curriculum. This is how it begins. “Zac Goldsmith’s controversial resignation letter in 2023 was…

12th February 2024

Flipboard – EarthDay is now promoting its school resources on Flipboard. . DfE Update – Here’s a link to the February Climate in Education Snapshot from the DfE’s Sustainability and Climate Change Unit.  This includes features on: Sustainable drainage / Student-led climate action / Ground-source heat pumps in schools / Apps for Good . COP28 Reflections – UNESCO’s latest newsletter is here. It includes a focus…