The UN’s Sustainable Development Goals and ITE

Meeting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in Initial Teacher Education in the UK: Progress and Opportunities, was the focus of a seminar held last Friday, 10th March, at Moray House School of Education, University of Edinburgh. The purpose was for key teacher educators in UK ITE institutions to: Share progress on Education for Sustainable Development and Global Citizenship  in ITE…

Think Global asks …

Do you know where your clothes were made? As recently covered by an article in The Observer, researchers from the Centre for Research on Multinational Corporations (based in the Netherlands) found wages below the full legal minimum at factories in Myanmar supplying brands such as Sports Direct, Henri Lloyd, New Look, H&M, Muji, Pierre Cardin and Karrimor,…

Creating a buzz

Creating a buzz: how UK schools are embracing beekeeping is an article in the Guardian which discusses how teachers are discovering that beehives can provide exciting opportunities to learn outside the classroom.  This is how it begins: “We know that things are bad with bees right now. In the past decade, they have been disappearing…

The World Bee Project

The World Bee Project (WBP) is a global social enterprise focussed on the relationship between pollinators and the most pressing issues that societies face today such as food security, environment, health and wellbeing. It aims to bring scientific, technological, government and market forces together to achieve our ultimate goal of placing the natural world at…

The latest from Arkive

This is a link to Arkive’s latest round-up of it work. There are features on deforestation, re-introduced species and seagulls.  There is also a section on new resources for 7 to 11 year olds which include: Nature’s Lights explores how light is essential in the natural world, and how and why animals that live in the…

National Environmental Education Week

Sadly, this is only in the USA, but registration is now open for NEEF’s 13th annual National Environmental Education Week.  You can register here.  It’s from Sunday, April 23rd to Saturday, April 29th  When you register you’ll receive: Resources for educators, such as toolkits and activity guides to make environmental learning come alive Resources for everyone, including EE…