Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.

Keep Britain Buzzing

  The Soil Association reports that scientists at the University of Reading have found that 80% of crop pollination is done by just 2% of common bee species.  Professor Simon Potts, director of Reading’s Centre for Agri-Environmental Research, warns that all species of pollinators need protection, as we may need to call on others in…

Do you need some trees?

Apply now to the Woodland Trust for a free tree pack to be delivered in November 2015. They come in three different sizes – small (30 saplings), medium (105 saplings) and large (420 saplings).  Schools and community groups are eligible to apply for free trees for delivery every March and November until your project is complete.…

Learning outside the classroom awards – nominations are open

Nominations are now open for the 8th annual learning outside the classroom awards presented by the Council for Learning Outside the Classroom (CLOtC).  The Awards for Outstanding Contribution to Learning Outside the Classroom recognise individuals and teams of people who are committed to ensuring that young people benefit from engaging and motivating learning opportunities outside…


OMEP is an international NGO with Consultative Status at the United Nations and UNESCO.  It was founded in 1948 to defend and promote the well-being and education of children from birth to eight.  It welcomes as members everyone with an interest in the education and well-being of children and their families. Members include practitioners, academics, students,…

Can Pooh and Piglet save the Bees?

The British Beekeepers Association, in partnership with Egmont Publishing, have created a new ‘bee-friendly’ guide inspired by Winnie-the-Pooh, with activities for families to help save honey bees.  In the Guide, which can be found here, Winnie-the-Pooh and Piglet plant a flowering window box, in Oxford. Pooh’s 10-point guide to saving bees is listed by the…