Contributions to NAEE's blog come from its members, so posts do not necessarily represent the official view of the Association. Please get involved by commenting on posts, and, of course, by becoming a member.
There’s a TeachMeet at the 2018 GA Conference on Friday 6 April at 1845 in the Heartsease Atrium. This takes place just before the networking quiz and unofficial #beermeet. It is free to attend. Frog life is holding a toad summit on 19th June (0930 to 1630) to discuss toad conservation. There will be a variety of speakers from academics and from…
The first Global Education Digest – a bibliography of recently (2015-17) published academic and research material relevant to the field of global education is now available. The Development Education Research centre has compiled this on behalf of Global Education Network Europe [GENE], as part of the Academic Network on Global Education & Learning [ANGEL]. This builds on previous Development…
Rachel Wooller is a Cambridge-based studio artist who works with recycled wood and metal as well as concrete, acrylic and wire. She is currently working on a series of floor based pieces that explore the power relation between materials. As part of the Pathways Project, Rachel was asked to facilitate a den making project with…
Steve Van Matre will forever be associated with the Institute for Earth Education. IEE’s website sets out what it sees as the differences between Earth Education. and Environmental Education. Here’s a summary: Environmental Education (Tendencies) supplemental and random classroom based issues oriented focuses mainly on developing secondary concepts and conducting environmental studies and projects activity based…
Here are more links from from Natural England of recent and relevant evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items. This supports the Strategic Research Groups for Learning in Natural Environments and Outdoors for All in order to develop better coherence and collaboration in research and to improve links…
The Forest Education Network has published a New Primary Forest and Woodland Teaching Resource pack. It contains ideas to use trees woods and forests for curriculum linked teaching & learning. related to KS1 & KS2 curriculum objectives in literacy, maths, science, history, geography, PHSE, art, music and PE. Wildlife Watch says that if you go down…
To mark World Poetry Day, here’s Edward Thomas writing about the transition from Winter to Spring But these things also are Spring’s But these things also are Spring’s – On banks by the roadside the grass Long-dead that is greyer now Than all the Winter it was; The shell of a little snail…
Here are a few more Wildlife Watch blogs Gardening for Wildlife in a Small Space Ann, from SumoGardener tells us how to make the most of a small space! Just because you might have a small garden, it doesn’t mean it can’t be a wildlife haven, and look beautiful, too! Read more … St Peter’s School…
Dan Raven-Ellison will be giving the public lecture at this year’s GA Annual Conference [April 5 to April 7]. He’ll be talking about Guerrilla Geography: 125 ways to be a geography activist. The lecture is free to attend so make sure you add it to your Conference booking. Click here to see full details. Countryside Classroom…
The winner of the 2017 Educational Writers’ Award is THE BOOK OF BEES, written by Wojciech Grajkowski, illustrated by Piotr Socha, and translated into English from the Polish by Agnes Monod-Gayraud. This year’s judges – school librarian Marion Le Lannou; London headteacher Mike Reeves; and writer, editor and publisher of books for young people Annemarie Young –…