Biodiversity Benchmark

In 2007, Center Parcs became the first organisation in the UK to be awarded The Wildlife Trusts’ Biodiversity Benchmark standard for its short break locations in Cumbria, Nottinghamshire, Suffolk and Wiltshire. The Wildlife Trusts now say that, owing to the company’s hard work and commitment, it has maintained this standard for the subsequent seven years…

The Shark Trust

What do you know about the Shark Trust? It was established in 1997 and is the only UK registered charity working to advance the worldwide conservation of sharks through science, education, influence and action.  The Trust undertakes a range of projects, campaigns and policy work to ensure the survival of this integral apex predator of our oceans. It’s also a founder member of the Shark Alliance, a…

Enquiry into government approach to sustainable development

The Environmental Audit Committee has launched its first inquiry of the new Parliament with calls for evidence on the Government’s approach to sustainable development.  Its website says: “Promoting sustainable development – which for the purposes of this inquiry includes protecting the environment, supporting the low carbon economy and improving wellbeing – could be worth billions of…

Learning from the Sharp End

Time is running out to register for the Bristol Green Capital ESD Symposium in September. Learning from the Sharp End’ – Implications for sustainability in Higher Education takes place on 7 & 8 September, and the registration deadline is 31 August. The symposium focuses on new ideas to empower students to deliver a more sustainable future and…

Have you seen the Common Blue

Butterfly Conservation is asking everyone whether they have seen the Common Blue this year. The Common Blue is the most widespread of the UK’s blue butterflies but in recent years its numbers have declined and in 2012 reached its lowest level on record. As part of this year’s Big Butterfly Count, Butterfly Conservation has teamed up with the National…

The Big Green Gap Year

Participants in the BiGGY school-leaver pilots will talk about their ‘green’ projects from 1300 to 1430 on Friday 28th August at the University of Gloucestershire’s Park Campus in Cheltenham.  They will focus on their experiences and what they learned and can take forward to their university studies. Blogs detailing the work completed can be found here.  For further information contact Meg Baker (BiGGY Coordinator):  or …

30 Days Wild

Every day last June, a member of staff from The Wildlife Trusts blogged about a Random Act of Wildness that they did.  Did you ‘do’ any such random acts yourself out of sympathy or solidarity, perhaps – or just for sheer enjoyment?  If not, there’s still time – in September! Meanwhile, you can read about the random…