Sustainable Bath Seminars

The University of Bath runs Zoom seminars every fortnight during term time. These are organised by the Institute for Sustainable Energy and the Environment – I-SEE. They are all recorded and available to view after the event. The next seminars are: 18 October          Professor Kimberley Nicholas, Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies                             Facing Climate Change…

Carbon Choices: energy

Neil Kitching asks: Why has the cost of energy for our homes gone up so much?  Why has an increase in the price of natural gas affected the cost of electricity?  He says: welcome to the wonderful world of energy economics, which he tries to explain as simply as he can. Neil has written for…

Trackchanged Science at KS3

Teach the Future has published its Curriculum for a Changed Climate: track changes review of the National Curriculum for England. This reviews the curriculum for key stages 3 and 4 in the National Curriculum. Using a ‘tracked changes’ methodology the report suggests where and how the national curriculum can be amended to include sustainability and respond…

Track Changing the Curriculum

Today’s post is by Elsa Lee (with inspiration from Paul Vare, Alex Catallo, the consortium of collaborators working on the Curriculum for a Changing Climate project, Teach the Future, and SOS-UK). Elsa is NAEE’s deputy director. In the post she writes about the recent track change research for Teach the Future which saw key national…

Emergy: Measuring What is Real – Energy as Value and Currency

Today’s post is by Richard Jurin who, before his retirement, ran the Environmental Studies programme at the University of Northern Colorado, launching a degree in Sustainability Studies.  His academic interests are environmental worldviews and understanding barriers to sustainability. Today he writes about the idea of emergy.  As ever, with our blogs, the views expressed are…

Another update from Natural England

Here’s another update from Natural England by way of relevant evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items from the UK and abroad, with a focus on schools, education and learning. This supports the Strategic Research Network for People and Nature to develop better coherence and collaboration in…

Co-production and Youth Action Partnerships: Introducing the ‘Challenging the Climate Crisis’ project

Today’s post is about the work of the CCC-Catapult project: Challenging the Climate Crisis: Children’s Agency to Tackle Policy Underpinned by Learning for Transformation which set out to examine how young people perceive and experience climate issues. It is published here with the permission of the authors. As ever with our blogs, the views expressed…

More Tracked Changes

As we noted the other day, Teach the Future has now launched its Curriculum for a Changed Climate: track changes review of the National Curriculum for England. This reviews the curriculum for key stages 3 and 4 in the National Curriculum, covering subjects ranging from History to Art and Design. Using a ‘tracked changes’ methodology the…

Curriculum Tracked Changes: an introduction

Last Friday, Teach the Future launched its Tracked Changes Curriculum Review. This ‘first-of-its-kind’ report reviews the curriculum for key stages 3 and 4 in the English National Curriculum, covering subjects ranging from History to Art and Design. Using a ‘tracked changes’ methodology the report suggests where  and how  the national curriculum can be amended to include sustainability and respond…

Science for the Unscienced

Today’s post is by Geoff Chapman who trained as a botanist, and worked at the University of the West Indies studying tropical plants. and at the University of London’s Wye College. He has published numerous books, for example: Reproductive Versatility in the Grasses, Grass Evolution and Domestication, and The Plant Life of China: Its Diversity and Distribution. During lockdown, with…

More from Natural England

Here’s a further update from Natural England by way of relevant evidence and reports, policy agenda developments, large scale delivery sector initiatives, resources and news items from the UK and abroad, with a focus on schools, education and learning. This supports the Strategic Research Network for People and Nature to develop better coherence and collaboration…